The music carried this game.

Not to say the game wasn't itself good - but without the music it had it would have definitely have gotten a lower score from me.

I overall really enjoyed this game - not as much as Journey but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

I would definitely recommend taking your time with it, having a look around, seeing how much you can find by yourself before looking at a guide (if you want to 100%)

Overall, a nice short game that will leave you feeling satisfied :)


Art & music is what carried this game as well as the multiple endings.

Characters weren't engaging - story also wasn't particularly engaging - it was just very self-righteous and whiny...

Picked it up for like £6 in a sale so can't complain too much. Kept me busy for a few hours.

Okay okay okay I loved this game.

This is second 'Tales of' game I've played, my first being Arise. Honestly, it's just standard comfort jrpg through and through. But honestly that's my bread and butter and I eat that shit up. Group of misfits, killing God by the end.. I will never tire of it.

Tales of Beseria is pretty much 100% character driven. The plot outside of the characters is pretty straight forward. The dungeons are pretty much linear and quite bland. There's not really any sidequests. Combat is enjoyable and if you fight around half the enemies you see on the maps you will be pretty much evenly levelled with the bosses the whole way through.

It's a good thing all the characters, imo, were really well written and fleshed out. I felt every one of our main crew bought something and each of their individual storylines were enjoyable to see play out and watch to their conclusion.

The reason why I'm giving Beseria 4 stars whilst Arise got 4 and a 1/2 is that Beseria, didn't really get me feeling too super bothered by the stakes of the story until about 2 thirds in, whereas in Arise I was pretty much hooked from the start.

I would argue that this game is a must-play for anyone who enjoys the general jrpg tropes.

Prior to playing this I heard about how great character Velvet was, I was quite sceptical going in on if she was as great as everyone was making out, but by the last half of the game and certainly by the end I very much understand it.

"With an entrance like this, it's almost like we're--"
"A bunch of heroes!"

I really enjoyed this game. It's the perfect "lay in bed and play for 20-30 mins before going to sleep game" it also scratches that itch I have of completing things, so mapping out all the floors and getting the satisfying pop-up when I did so really appealed to me.

I would say the only downsides were:

1: I quickly found out that using the accessory that adds to your phys attack & mg attack + full hp dmg and/or weary dmg boost just steam rolls everything mid to late game.

2: I was expecting the boss to be on floor 99 so finding them on floor 90 kinda threw me for a loop and I wasn't ready for the credits to start rolling lmao.

I really enjoyed this game, doesn't take much brain power, perfect for if you only have a short time to play every day or even just a few times a week.

If they ever did a sequel or similar style game I would definitely buy it. Just comfy overall, honestly.

This game is definitely not for everyone.

But it certainly was for me.

I really don't know... I just loved this VN.
I played through every route, got every ending and all the achievements for it.

I just loved it. I am so happy with my introduction to the science adventure series and I'm super excited to continue on with the rest of the series.

I've literally just finished the game so I'm still reeling a bit from the true ending and just wow.... I wish I could express jus how much I've enjoyed this game but I need some more time to formulate my thoughts.

Short, cute & sweet.

It was only £1.58 in the steam spring sale :)

So first of all, I have to praise this game for it being the first first-person dungeon crawler that I've ever finished and not given up on halfway through (although that's probably because halfway through I got bored and turned the difficulty down to 1 so I could just focus on the story...)

The story I found got gradually worse as it went on and by the end I felt nothing had any emotional impact... but it will still overall a fun time.

The music was stellar and the ambient sounds in the dungeons also served to foster my immersion.

The gameplay loop was engaging enough for me to play all the way until the end, the characters individually were interesting enough and the dungeons were all unique, however, I can't really say I would recommend this game to everyone.

Short and sweet!

The narrative is the main focus and is done in a really engaging way. The game is short and concise, perfect for an evening spent with a hot drink and to just immerse yourself in this game for a few hours.

Much like "Gone Home" there's a lot to explore and world and character building to be gained from interacting with items.

If this studio ever does another game, I will definitely play it.

This 3.5 star rating is more like a 3.75 star rating.

This game was just mindless fun and just what I needed. It may not, however, be just what YOU need.

This game is effectively Drakengard 3 but watered down in every aspect.

The combat is brain-dead, the characters are just a blank sheet of paper, I skipped pretty much all the story and dialogue but somehow I still had a decent amount of fun with this game, enough so to platinum this game on ps4.

Sometimes games don't have to be good to hit the spot. Sometimes all you need is a brain-dead game to run around in and fight hoards of enemies whilst you listen to a podcast.

I would NOT recommend this game, unless you already have playstation plus and can play it for free like I did. I imagine if I had spent actual money on this game my rating might be lower, but for already having ps+ and this being a free game, I really enjoyed my time with it - just go in to it knowing that it's pretty basic all around.

Man I really really enjoyed what I played of this game.

Unfortunately I haven't picked it up in quite some time due to irl getting in the way and now I forget where I was and what I was doing so I'm going to shelve it for now and come back to it another time.

Shelved because I decided I would rather play it on steam so I can get the achievements too.

I did finish the main story, however, when I replay it I want to go back and get all the endings.

I'll edit this to a proper review when I've played through it again and seen all the endings.

Giving it a tentative 4/5 because it was an all around enjoyable experience. The characters, the art, the atmospheric music, the story.


Just an absolutely lovely experience.

A cross between Journey with the environments and a studio Ghibli film for the animations (especially in the more cinematic scenes).

A very short game but an impactful and memorable one.

The OST will also be one that I will add to my Spotify playlist to enjoy outside of the game too.

This game was just so.... mid.

The environments, the art style, the soundtrack were all really, really enjoyable.

The writing and the story however, was just so lackluster. Not to mention this game has the most grating/annoying side-kick ever, I was just left rolling my eyes every time there was dialogue between the two.

The story is bare bones at best and I quickly lost interest in whatever plot they were trying to play out.

The combat is fun but just far too easy, I don't even think I had a single death in the game?

Overall, a forgettable experience.

So I've not played a Luigi's Mansion game since the original on the gamecube.

This was absolutely delightful to play. The environments are stunning and it was one of the reasons I remember playing the original all those years ago.

The mechanics are both memorable to the original whilst also building on them and introducing new mechanics such a Goo-igi.

Just an all around good time. The environments were my main draw to the game and made me want to keep exploring to see what environment the next floor would be.

The gems in each floor were also enjoyable to try and interact with everything to get them all!

Nothing too complicated, just a chill game to run around and solve some puzzles in before you go to bed :)