This review's mainly for the game's single player story mode campaign. I'll touch on the multiplayer aspect afterward.

I really enjoyed it. As someone that really enjoyed Octo Expansion back in Splatoon 2, 3's campaign was really damn fun and challenging. Some parts infuriating like the target test rail grinding missions, but I felt great getting them done (especially the final post game mission that was satisfying as hell to beat). I also really liked the storyline tying context in for Salmon Run. Fun as hell mode overall.

Now for everything else. Yeah, it's Splatoon. It's fun, I appreciate the QoL features like the Lobby system and fast travel, but I'm not too huge on the new maps. Not only are inkable walls mostly absent in a lot of them, I'm just not a fan of how small they are alongside feeling so geared to combat engagement? It's so counter-intuitive to Splatoon's design philosophy. Splatfests being a 3 way affair whilst also removing the region lock was a double edged sword too. Like yeah, it's cool to participate in Japanese Splatfests properly now, but the skill gap is brutal and Tri Color Splatfests are just stupid in execution.

I've only played Turf War so maybe my opinion would slightly be different if I played other modes, but eh. Online connection was stable as hell (surprisingly) for me so no complaints there. Presentation with music and visuals are great though.

Overall, Splatoon 3 is fun, but I feel like NIntendo could've waited a bit for the next console to release it. The game feels like it dropped too soon. That Single Player is fun though, I may end up grabbing Side Order.

TiminGooo! Is the closest thing we'll have to Rhythm Heaven on Switch. For what it is, it's pretty fun, but not as polished as Rhythm Heaven is with it's minigames. Some of TiminGooo's minigames range from fun to annoying, with the latter not being designed well when it comes to the visual & music cues. It boils down to just timed button presses with the music not being a factor with the inputs. Some minigames are also a lot shorter than I expected as well.

The humor is lighthearted, game's visually rooted with Japanese material too so that's also nice to see. And despite my issues with some minigames, I do like some of the music too. I do wish the game pulled new visuals for the 2nd lap of minigames though.

Overall, TiminGooo! is solid. I don't think it would satisfy the itch for Rhythm Heaven fans, but I don't think it's a waste of time either. Defs best to grab on a sale.

Suzy Cube is the embodiment of "Super Mario 3D Land at home". It isn't a bad game, its actually pretty chill and cozy, but it really wears that Mario 3D Land build on it's sleeve. The game is pretty short, not hard to 100%, and I do like the powerups the game had with nothing super crazy. Music is very boring and repetitive, the game is very simple, but pretty cute too.

I paid 74 cents for the game, don't regret getting it, but I've definitely played better indie 3D platformers like Siactro's titles. There's also a bug with the Steam release regarding one of the achievements which hasn't been fixed since the developers abandoned the game. There is a workaround though.

You could do alot worse than this game, but I think you're better off scooping up other indies.

Finally got around to beating this game after starting it way back in 2018. It's really damn good, love the control and feel of Spider-Man. I'm not too knowledgeable with the IP but I can tell Insomniac put a ton of love into it with the suits and attention to detail. I'm not too big on the stealth sections but I definitely get why they're there to break up the combat. Overall, fun game, I'm not itching to play Spider-Man 2 or Miles Morales cause I have enough games on my plate already, but I'm sure they're fun games.

Fun little timewaster with a banger OST

An interestingly fun title that was handled by the same devs behind the Sonic Game Gear games. Screen crunch aside with not being able to see what's below you in later levels, this game has a great sense of mobility and speed, bosses are piss easy. A fun time nonetheless though, defs up there with favorite Game Gear games.

(Played the English Fan Translation) I'm not familiar with the other Shockman titles, but I had this one on my bucket list when looking for import exclusives and yeah its a fun time. Pretty visuals, nice music, great control. Not much else to say! It's a fun action platformer.

DuckTales 2 is a solid game that I had fun with overall, but as a sequel to a great game it kinda falls a bit flat. Bosses aren't as creative as the original, and levels don't feel as vast when it come to the explorative/treasure hunting nature of them. Music is catchy but nothing earwormed me like the original. Despite all that, its still a pretty fun game, its just not as great as what came before.

God, this game. I had this game on Wii and I never beat it because it was just plain bad.

I decided to cave in a decade or so later to beat it and yeah, its a bad game but I didn't find it as painful mostly because I been through worse. George gets bitched on by enemies really quick in unfair ways, the game is just really slow in general, and nothing really feels too satisfying to pull off. The best thing about the game is the theme song being used, its an earworm.

Fun little romp! Loved the character designs and visuals. I enjoyed it alot and I wanna check the series out more!

I'm not too familiar with GeGeGe no Kitaro at all. That said this game looks alright (I really like the character designs), music is nothing too noteworthy. Fukkatsu! Tenma Daiou is basically a boss rush-esque game that doesn't feel as satisfying to play because you don't have much options at your disposal. The bosses are relatively simple but I did find a chunk of them annoying since you can't really out-maneuver them. Not a bad game, but I've played better.

Pretty solid game! A short playthrough that makes up for it with challenge, really liked it being a top down game focused heavily on the combat (being fire fighting of course). The music was pretty damn good too. Shame it never got localized in the states.

Simple little romp with neat looking spritework and animation topped off with having one of the best soundtracks to ever come out of a Game Boy. Definitely has potential to be a much grander experience, but what's here is enjoyable.

Grew up on this version of Aladdin as a kid and yeah it still holds up greatly today as a licensed tie in for a film. Wish it got a re-release to modern platforms cause it's kinda overshadowed by the Genesis version.

Owned this game as a kid, never beat it. I can see why I wasn't able to. Jungle Book SNES feels like a very cheap rental difficulty game with some unfocused level design and Mowgli getting bitched on pretty quickly by enemies & hazards. The music and visuals are nice but that's where the positives end for me.