First SNES Homebrew I ever played! Wild. Super Boss Gaiden is a fun little action brawler, really cool how it was made for the singular Nintendo PlayStation in existence aside from being playable on SNES hardware & emulation as well. Very goofy with it's humor and just fun to blast through.

This game is just short garbage and I don't even remember how I came around to owning it as a kid, hell I don't even remember the movies lmfao. It's one of those SNES games that controls bad, sounds funny, and looks funny. Not much else to it.

Pretty solid NES game! Definitely borrows some elements from Mega Man (I mean this was Capcom developed) but its a lot easier (still a bit challenging in it's own right). I think I prefer DuckTales a bit more, but Darkwing Duck NES is a fun little time.

A fun little game that will take you about 40 minutes or less to play through. Visuals and music are pretty nice!

Tinhead is alright, I love how it looks, music is solid, but its a breakneck exploration based platformer that was a bit hard to get to grips with. Not a bad game but I've played better.

I owned this game as a kid, never actually played it because I never owned a SNES mouse, so I treated it as a VHS tape of sorts lol. Nowadays, I only really boot Mario Paint up for Gnat Attack and I love it a ton. The art program half of Mario Paint is still a pretty amazing thing today especially with music making.

Gameplay wise, Psycho Dream isn't anything too crazy compared to other action platformers I've played on SNES, but it makes up for that solid gameplay with one of the most unique OSTs I've heard paired with surreal visuals and interesting story. Seriously, it feels like something that'd have an OVA in the 80s-90s. Its a short & sweet playthrough with 6 levels and difficulty fluctuates depending on your weapon upgrade level. Fun time!

I love beat em ups, one of my favorite genres, but I had to put this one down. It looks great, gives me massive SNK vibes, it controls solidly enough. I just didn't like how repetitive it got which is funny because most people that diss on the genre say that's their reasoning for not enjoying it as a whole.

There are some command inputs and combos you can dish out which do feel satisfying but a good chunk of enemies you end up facing just feel like they're impervious to what you can do. Can't grab, can't block. It's a very barebones single player beat em up. The level design was also dogshit because it just has a bunch of "gotcha!" obstacles that immediately knock you down. It overall felt very cheap (which made me put cheat codes on to go through it) but I just wasn't having fun regardless of that. This feels like one of those beat em ups you need patience for and that just goes against what I love about the genre.

Maybe the remaster does touch up a few things to make this game a more worthwhile playthrough (I know it has co-op & widescreen) but as things are now I didn't care for this game and have no plans on finishing it either.

A simple, short, and sweet game that's based on a fun movie that I rewatch annually. The game maintains the spirit of the original film while also fleshing out the entirety of Nebbercracker's house to create obstacles for everyone to go through. It's got alot of charm and it feels like a gateway drug for stuff like Resident Evil. This game also gets bonus points for also including the Thou Art Dead arcade game Skull plays in the film as an actual game you can play. Fun time overall! Took me about 3 hours to get through.

Took em long enough to put DLC into MK8DX.

It's cool that we got 48 tracks from across the series + Tour and 8 characters! Very glad Diddy, Birdo, Funky, and Petey were brought back. The courses were very obviously handled by a B-Team so they lack the visual enhancements the base game courses (and it's DLC) got which is a shame, but also kind of expected. I will say though, the courses progressively look better per wave with Wave 6 looking really damn good.

I don't know how long we'll have to wait for Mario Kart 9, but with only MK8DX in our hands, the Booster Course Pass wasn't a bad time.

A forgotten little NES novelty that combines an auto runner with platforming all controlled with the Zapper. It's challenge is mainly designed around that (somewhat mitigated when playing it on PC).Cool little black box game tho. Feels like a game a father and son would grow up with.

As a Christmas Eve Special, I streamed this for friends, what will I think of this game by the end?

You play as the Grinch, and sometimes Max too, with 18 winter stages you'll bing and bound through. The Grinch and his dog don't control like ass, but speedily landing is out of their class. And then you have sections, where the objective is stealth, an afterthought that was, for the Grinch has so-and-so health. The music is forgettable, boring, and lame, thank heavens for the option to mute it in-game. The visuals however, were quite a feat, despite the budget, they were a treat! From the Grinch and Max, to the Whos of Whoville, all the scenery screams "SEUSS!" A creative vision fulfilled.

Overall, you're not missing much, for this holiday game will fade away as such. It's a boring game, not one of the worst, but it's $40! I'd like to meet whoever bought it first! You're better off buying something else for your kids, buy them this game? They'll flip their lids. And with my review of this product all said and done, buy better games, and avoid this one.

I initially wasn't planning on playing Jungle Climber after I had a middling experience with King of Swing, but I said "screw it" and caved in. This is a MUUUUCH better game.

Not only does it bring in more elements from the Country series (Diddy, Kong Letters, Banana Coins, DK Coins), Jungle Climber ditches the floatiness in favor of speed and action akin to the Country games. Leaping and swinging off pegboards felt satisfying as hell. The music is really nice too! The visuals aren't super great but I grown to like them alot as I played and the backgrounds are very nice.

Jungle Climber is a fairly gimmicky game, but it makes up for it with all the challenge, improvements, unlockables, etc. I was wrong for judging this game for how it looked and what I thought of King of Swing, it's a fun time!

Pretty solid action platformer based on some pretty damn good candies. I really liked the idea of growing and shrinking with multiple sour patch kids, definitely created some neat challenges. The ending was corny as hell though lmao.

A technically impressive game on the GBA for sure, the fact that it plays around with 3D stuff without performance drops is cool as hell. Unfortunately I don't think it's very fun to actually play due as someone that loves schmups to the warped perspective. The music is solid tho.