140 Reviews liked by Wake


I really needed that.

Hard to be cynical, hard to analyze what I needed emotionally in the moment. Something to plug a hole I didn't realize was bothering me. Sometimes the verisimilitude of a hike that I can't currently get right now is the best medicine for my mental state. The lighthearted soul of something really warm, uplifting that makes my heart soar. I cried to very small, very clearly crafted, earnest messages. I wandered, I explored, I went to the ends of the island and back, and I got something to remember this day forever.

Thank you for the gentle reminder to look forward head high.

Suggested by Phantom. Thank you

in terms of accomplishing what it sets out to do, I think a short hike is as close as it gets to being a perfect game.

-get sucked into an idle game for a few days and check it constantly
-eventually get to the point where you prestige and start over with new benefits
-immediately lose all interest because youre back at the beginning

Many such cases!

One of the only games my mom has cared enough to ask about or play. Gets to join that hof with classics like Gris or Bloodborne

This game understands what makes Tom and Jerry truly great, Tom’s screaming.

When I lost my DS I was upset I couldn’t play this anymore



Gris is a beautiful game. I do love it as an artsy depiction of grief without being on the nose about it. There's not a lick of dialogue involved in this game. That's all well and good, but the big problem here is that the game's theme isn't really clear throughout. I wasn't sure what it was about until I looked it up afterwards. And I don't think that diminishes the game's message, but I have to give it flak for that since it just kinda felt like "Oh cool, that was pretty" at the end. I feel like an Indie game missing the mark on its messaging is... strange. I feel like even if you knew it was about grief going in, you'd still see it wasn't obvious. All of the comments on the video of the secret ending I watched (which is missable due to collectables being required) were just along the lines of "Ohhh so that's what it's about" and I think that's a problem. Fine enough game though and the art is really genuinely beautiful.

Score: 80



My dad bought himself a Switch recently and fell in love with Gris. He sent me $5 to buy this during a sale a few weeks back. He loves the idea of a platformer starting out grey and gaining more and more color.

I liked that aspect in this game, too. I liked the silent story telling and gorgeous visuals mixed into one. I liked the spread out reward of new move-sets, and how not everything is given to you at once. I liked how it makes you take it slow, and pay attention to all the little details put into the game, really making this more of a playable coloring book.

I went into it not expecting much more than a short, pretty game, and that’s what I got. Worth the $5 and is now a nice game to talk to my dad about.

beautiful remake of a top 3 game of all time. probably the best way to play it? honestly though, every version slaps.

one of the only working kinect games

The best fighting game ever made

My friend and I Redboxed this and beat it in one fantastic all-nighter.

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Alan Wake II is a remarkable triumph in creativity and gaming as a whole.

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