Nothing I can say that hasn't been said. A genuine story through and through

I absolutely hate harvest moon but love this game. Thats how good it is

(Post Canto V)
The only bad thing about this game is that it's a gacha. But when the story is THIS good I have no reason to even mind the gacha

Would've been so much better if it didn't feel like DLC

Atlus you dorks bring back FEMC

Its a bethesda other words needed

Ace attorney for the mentally ill (Me)

It gets a lot of shit but I think this is probably my favorite in the series. It's not the hardest has a lot of shitty plot moments but this imo is the most fire emblem, fire emblem game ever.

Another game that my words couldn't possibly mean anything compared to anyone elses. It's just amazing. Nothing else I can say will match how life changing this game is

Quite possibly the darkest most intriguing zelda game ever made. It truly encompasses everything that makes zelda, zelda and more

The fact no one talks about this game is outrageous, it feels like playing a detective kung fu movie

This game is honestly what got me back into video games in general. Its ridiculous it's over the top, it's heartbreaking. It's Yakuza man.
A perfect blend of just absolute tomfoolery that can have you in tears in a second

It has a yakuza refrence. 21/10