The custom content that keeps coming out on this still surprises me. There's a lot of bad but there's also a lot of good. Trouble in Terrorist town is honestly an incredible gamemode that I'm shocked was never spun out into an indie game.

It's a fun wave defense game. The sequel is better now but this is still a perfectly fine game to play and some interesting maps especially when it comes to custom ones.

Wave defense, numbers go up, get more dosh. Perfect game to just play to talk with friends or listen to a podcast.

It's Tony Hawk 1 and 2 with maybe the best soundtrack in a game.

This game is okay. The camera angle is odd and it's honestly kind of hard but that sound track is A+

Great throwback to when Sonic games were good. Solid level design with good music.

I remember this being a pretty good classic Sonic game with a fun soundtrack.

This is probably my favorite game of all time at this point with how much time I've put into it. The modding community is incredible and take a game that is good and make it even better. Even without mods I would still rate this game 5/5 on just being a solid tactical game that understands I want to play dress up with my soldiers before I do something dumb and lose them in a mission.

This game will teach you about statistics and what it means to take risk. Amazing game and the long war mod takes it to another level.

It's a fun JRPG with visual novel elements. The story and combat is fine. The best part about is the music and the dog.

At the time when this game released I thought it was great. Going back now it's okay with the Chao garden being easily the best thing about it.

It's a pretty fun party brawler that's good for a couple of hours. If you're breaking out the Dreamcast with your friends you should be playing this

A fun basketball game that has the level of bugs that make it more enjoyable. I made a team of people who's limbs were so thin they sometimes didn't render and that was the funniest thing ever at 10 years old.

Taking a star off because saving a single team used up almost an entire memory card.

It has Defender, Sinistar, Robotron: 2084, Joust and since I had the Dreamcast version Defender II and Bubbles.

These are all great games and I remember thinking the presentation was cool at the time.


This game is weird. It doesn't exactly control well, the humor is kind of meh, and the settings always felt kind of gross to look at. I also remember getting lost all the time but I was 10 when I played it so who knows I could have just been really dumb. Things that were good: that dog that could hold 4 guns and that scientist who could craft different gadgets and such to solve puzzles.