Maybe the worst Bioshock game. The powers are not as interesting or fun to use as previous games. The combat arenas are boring. The plot is predictable and the character writing is not great. About 60% of the way through the game you can't help but wonder when it's going to wrap up.

Good looking environments though.

This is a fun singleplayer/co-op mmo space adventure that never got an online component. It was still a blast to play and I sunk hours into this game with my brother and best friend. There's a ton of different factions each with their own ship designs that behave slightly differently when it comes to weapons and such.

It's also a fun game to just fly around space in. There's something amazing about holding down the boost button with you and friend zipping through space rushing past enemies and then hearing an alert being called out for assistance and doing a hard right as you lock on to the person in need of an escort. Keep in mind this is on the Dreamcast and while flying through space there were never load times. It was completely seamless. The only time things would take to load was going down to a planets surface.

Honestly this is the only MMO I actually have enjoyed and it's not even really an MMO.

Not giving it a perfect 5 just because I was disappointed in the ending. It just sort of ends and I was incredibly heart broken. The manual makes it out that there's a way to even peacefully resolve the conflict with the aliens and I spent hours upon hours just scanning everything because I was convinced that was a thing that you could do and now looking back I don't think that was ever actually an option.

Underrated 3d platform shooter! Had a blast playing on the ps2 during sleepovers with friends and I think the PC version still holds up okay to this day if you can get it running.

A fun basketball game that has the level of bugs that make it more enjoyable. I made a team of people who's limbs were so thin they sometimes didn't render and that was the funniest thing ever at 10 years old.

Taking a star off because saving a single team used up almost an entire memory card.

Interesting ideas in this game. Was dark and gritty, felt like something I shouldn't have had as a kid lol. I remember liking it up until the last boss at which point the game decides it hates you.

It's a pretty fun party brawler that's good for a couple of hours. If you're breaking out the Dreamcast with your friends you should be playing this

I'm terrible at it and it's still one of my all time favorite 2d fighters. Plus it's gonna take ya for a ride!

Staple game of my childhood! The level/mission design in this game is incredibly creative and the environments felt huge for the time. It's a game that wants to emulate that part of your life where you had ridiculous scenarios in your head as a kid that you played out with your toys and it nails it. I do not think I could give an accurate number for time played for this game because I played it for years with my brother and best friend.

I actually never got the chance to play this online (ironic) so I only got to experience the single player which was actually really fun and had a lot of replay ability. I remember their being a lot of branching story paths that sometimes had incredibly convoluted conditions to cause the branching to happen.

Overall I had a fun time playing it and I remember thinking the different alien designs were kind of cool.

The first fighting game I got into. I like it because all of the mechs play differently but all have easy to pull off combos so you don't feel frustrated for not being able to do the flashy moves. I wish you could turn off items but besides that I think it's a really good 3d fighting game. Being able to do an over the top finishing move feels great when it lands.

The only football video game I've liked. I played a ton with my friends and we would always switch to the opposing team and make them screw up or get fouls then switch back to our own teams. Game ate memory cards.

A better version of Mario Party plain and simple. No dice rolling, freedom to move around the board, not forced to play a ton of minigames, interesting ways to make characters unique, doesn't take 5 years to finish on the longest setting, and you can actually time the cards to land on the number you want.


This game is weird. It doesn't exactly control well, the humor is kind of meh, and the settings always felt kind of gross to look at. I also remember getting lost all the time but I was 10 when I played it so who knows I could have just been really dumb. Things that were good: that dog that could hold 4 guns and that scientist who could craft different gadgets and such to solve puzzles.

One of the few open world games I kind of enjoyed.


A straight forward fun shooter with an interesting plot that doesn't feel overbearing.