34 Reviews liked by Weterojaks

At first I wasn't expecting miracles from this one because well... it's a game about the Minions before the Minions, the Rabbids. But I'll be damned, this is legitimately a great game for a first time and even more suprising, it's really fun.
While it doesn't do anything mindblowing, Rabbids Go Home solidly executes what it was set out to do: An absurd adventure about creatures stealing stuff from a city to pile them up in order to reach the moon. Literally NOTHING in this game can be taken seriously because of the comedic nature of it, not even the humans, and here that's absolutely perfect LMAO
The gameplay loop presented involves two Rabbids in a shopping cart platforming their way through the levels grabbing every single object possible, while also adding mechanics to make the controls more fun, like special cutscenes for certain objects or a drift boost. Also the music is amazing, the romanian brass band music really showcases the chaotic nature of the Rabbids.

It certainly has its flaws, like the lack of variation between some levels making it feel repetitive from time to time, or even some softlocking bugs I got to experience on my playthrough because "Bugisoft", but all in all it was still a blast to play this game!

Old Blood es una muy buena expansion

Basicamente es el humor del juego original, sumado que no se siente forzado en ningun momento, la accion es muy buena

toda la primera mitad del juego principalmente me encanta, me resulta super divertida, pero a partir del inicio del 5to capitulo.... como que pierde bastantes puntos

digamos que no me gusta que en un juego que llevaba un buen rato siendo realista dentro del contexto base del juego me metan un puto monstruo mistico magico que esta ahi porque los guionistas no sabian como terminar el maldito juego y se fueron por una solucion que nada que ver con el juego original


Honestly if this is the studio's first game I am very excited to see their next one when they get to polish stuff up.

Game Dev Tycoon es demasiado Adictivo


La mayoria de mis juegos superan los 6 de calificacion, supongo que es simplemente Skill

Eso si, yo jugue la version de Netflix, la cual incluye nuevas licencias, las ultimas consolas que salieron y agregados varios asi que tuve la mejor experiencia posible y tuve un par de cosas extra que hacer

Diablos como amo este juego (cuento como completar este juego haber desbloqueado todo lo posible en el juego y tener mas de 1.000 M (en concreto 1.763M)

recuerdo haber visto un video de este juego de Mangel Rogel

Me encanto y lo amo, es corto y sencillo, lo unico que se necesita para hacer una obra maestra como esta

Very cool game to play with your little brother or when you just want to have some fast and ez fun

Review Is You And Review

Picture this. You materialize in a world full of text dictating the laws of physics as an unsupervised toddler where a gear can move on its own and take hold of your soul by replacing your name with his next to the "You" component. Well, still preferable to materializing in Ohio.

It's during the 2017 Nordic Game Jam that humble gamer Arvi Teikari has an eureka moment and finds LE gimmick that he decides to cook, and after simmering down he decides to go for seconds and make 200 levels. A lot of these are carefully crafted to lead you to eureka moments and they are not as linear as they may seem... all the while humbling, because a concept entailing a lot of freedom ends up used for a restrictive design of high level puzzles constantly shattering the rules of game design. That can be frustrating. You know what to do but unsure what you are allowed to do to make it happen.
Guess we reached the end then.

End Has Words On God
Idk you get the gist of it

si existiera el puntaje aigis/10 seria ese sin dudas

Lit tiene un medidor de BOLAS, que mas puedes pedir??

Es toda una experiencia y me alegro de haberlo jugado ^^