Fantastic, just like the first one. I maybe give this one a little less credit just because it's kind of 'another one' of the same thing, but that doesn't mean it's not great. Good on the studio for moving on after this and challenging themselves to something new.

Really fantastic, just the perfect little Steam Deck game. Addictive in the right way, meaning that I always wanted to come back to it, but not so addictive that I just wanted to binge it 10 hours straight.

If we scrutinized every video game the way so many have for this one, we'd never think video games are good. No this is not the genre-defining RPG or sci-fi game people were hoping for, but it's still quite good. I predict in 3-4 years people will think of this game kind of like they do Cyberpunk 2077 now.

Criminally underrated online shooter.

About as generic as BR games come. That said, I think this is a mobile game, and on that platform I bet it probably works well. I played one game and won with 17 kills. I was either playing against bots, or against mobile players.

Solid, probably the best one of these yet. Didn't quite captivate me enough to draw me in for end-game content, but I still really enjoyed this.

I probably should've liked this more than I did. i thought it would be the perfect Steam Deck game but I just couldn't stick with it.

I want a new Titanfall game as much as the next guy, but as pure BR games go, this is probably still the king.

Campaign is fine, but the MP has really come into its own. It was very messy at launch, but it's dialed in now and there is just a truckload of content here. For twitchy online shooters in 2023, this is a really good one.

If you're a Battlefield fan and didn't jump in back at launch, you're mostly safe to check this out now. For me, this is probably the best BF has been since BF1.

Also, side note: as of up to season 5, their live service model is a breath of fresh air. It's the only game I know of with a Battle Pass that isn't trying to make it the only game I play. I can play this for 60-90 minutes a week and easily complete the BP.

The first MP game I ever played. Would've been back in 2000 or 2001, playing on dialup in BFE Iowa.

Snipers only, no xing, grn up.