23 reviews liked by Wingman

Don't think there will ever be a day where I'll understand why this game came out the same day as elden ring

The best thing this game could do compared to the original is focusing even more on the Sci-Fi elements instead of the tribal drama. A greatly enhanced melee system with actual combos and some fantastic enemy variety made the act of playing the game very enjoyable.

The negatives are that Aloy does not shut up and narrates every single thing that he does in idle gameplay. She's good in cutscenes, even great sometimes, but it feels like you are watching a let's play with how much she's commentating.

Equally, the central enemies and threats continue to be worse compared to just fighting robot dinosaurs on a great combat system.

I didn't think Doom could get any better than 2016 but this proves otherwise. At first I didn't really like the more limited ammo but as I got more weapons and realized the chainsaw slowly reloads, I ended up really enjoying the strategy of it all.

Also I know a lot of people don't care for the 'story' in these kind of games but I welcome the cutscenes, set pieces, and other narrative additions. It really makes you feel like an unstoppable force.

But yeah with more enemies, locations, and weapons you can't go wrong with Doom: Eternal (except the Marauders, screw those guys)

I haven't played Helldivers 2 a ton because I'm largely an enjoyer of single player games, but its a lot of fun, especially with friends. It's clearly well made and Arrowhead is very smart about laying out its content. I look forward to revisiting this when I'm in the mood to be social with others and save democracy and all that.

Another one of those games I'm glad I got to it late since it's one of those the internet decided to hate in unison in accordance to what their braindead favorite youtuber said.

My only problem with it is, due to it being online only, I experienced multiple cases of rubber banding or being killed while the server caught up. Aside from that, is without a doubt the best Story presented in an ARPG. It made me care about the characters presented in it and the production values and voice acting were on another level from what you typically see in most ARPG's.

Lilith lived up to the hype and can't wait to experience Vessel of Hatred when it comes out.

An exciting story, awesome world, excellent customization and fun gameplay make up for a lacking endgame.

i'd say underrated, but somehow this game has a 3.9/5 on this site. funky. the car isn't as bad as people say and holy SMOKE those graphics are lovely.

This game is incredibly slick. The puzzles flow seamlessly into each other and every part of the world has been designed so that you never have access to more than you need to solve the puzzle immediately in front of you. Its all really brilliantly put together, puzzle design at its most accessible. But in being so well put together it is almost too smooth.

Cocoon was designed by Jeppe Carlsen, best known for his work on Limbo and Inside. What’s interesting about Cocoon is while it appears very different from those games at the outset, it ends up sharing lots of dna. The camera never cuts, flowing through and around pieces of the world as you navigate, your characters verbs are simple, and most importantly, you never stop moving forward. Cocoon is filled with “aha!” moments, but i can count on one hand the number of times i actually got stuck. It does this in the interest of keeping you moving forward but in doing so i find the whole game also flows together in my mind. Those points where i got stuck end up being the only parts i can really strongly remember, the rest of the game slipping through my fingers like sand. The world itself is gorgeous, and the sound design truly evocative. The puzzles are well paced and it doesn’t overstay its welcome, but i expect the gameplay itself to be something i largely forget about in the coming years.

Cocoon is a truly singular experience, unlike anything ive ever played, but its a puzzle game without any room for player expression. Its a game where solving a puzzle often feels more like connecting the dots than discovering a solution. Here are your blocks, here are your sockets, please plug the blocks into the sockets in the only way they can possibly be plugged in, well done, proceed. You get more friction in the final section of the game, but then its over, and im left kind of wanting more, but also feeling like any more complexity would start becoming more annoying than fun as juggling all the orbs starts to get a bit tedious once you have four of them. Ultimately, i enjoyed my time with cocoon, and its aesthetic trappings will likely stick with me for a long time. I just wish the game had been willing to take the training wheels off sooner.

filtered a lot of kids which is why we have mw3

slow gameplay > zoomer shit

it took me a few tries to get into this game, but once it gets going, boy does it get going. the rockstar team was very good at foreshadowing stuff, dropping subtle hints here and there. by the end i got so invested in the characters and their stories that even after completing the main story i can't drop it