Like 95% of beat 'em ups, it's fine? I would only come back to finish it as a MP experience.

Got past the halfway point soon after launch, well made puzzles, no desire to go back and finish.

Enjoyed it back in the day. One of the rare cases of abandoning because the game itself was. If this ever gets port (ideally Steam for online MP or Switch for local MP), I will maybe be able to finish it.

Clash is an admirable game. I think its just annoyingly close to being, but ultimately not for me. If a follow up comes out that is less RPG, and more God Hand, I will eat it up.

I don't know. On paper I should enjoy this? It just didn't do anything for me.


In a world of "old-school shooter BUT-" that are fantastic spins on the formula, I just don't think I have the patience for something this straight forwards and (intentionally) bland.

An interesting spin on turn-based tactics. I think the thing that makes me not want to return is how it approaches difficulty. To clear later levels, I am doing tedious micro-managing that doesn't gel well with the thematic framing.

In John Wick Hex it is easy to do badly, difficult to do well. The "John Wick" part of this framing makes me feel it should be easy to do well, but then difficult to do extremely well. If in development instead of framing the difficulty as "did you beat that guy and mange to take minimal damage with your current focus?", it was phrased "how many of those guys did you beat with your current focus?", we would have gotten something more fun.

Having a xx% hit chance against regular goons in a John Wick game, just feels wrong.

I think this might be the best Killzone game? But I'm not going to get my Vita out of storage to finish it. I would honestly love to someday see a port, or even a much larger sequel.

Neat! On this episode on "it X but souls!", it's Ocarina of Time (plus PS1-era 3d platforming). Death mechanic is weird. Plus there is clearly some depth here with its stats/status' effects. Overall, I don't know who its for, but whoever that is will probably enjoy it?

More like into the pit I pushed that monster into hahaha...
Anyway it's cool, but the only feelings I got while playing it were:
1. X random event sure annoyed the shit out of me
2. I really like Front Mission 3

Clearly well made, but I think I'm just too old. I started scratching the surface of finding the real challenge that is hidden a layer deeper in every Kirby game. However I don't think I have the patience to play all of the game that isn't that to reach (and be the tutorial for) those moments.

It's fine. I don't see a need to play this unless you ran out of all the other more interesting Zelda games and you just really need that fix.

I don't know why this didn't click for me the same way Hitman GO did. Still a solid game that is worth checking out if you're already interested.

Enjoyed it for a while years ago. But now we live in a world with Neon White. So I will probs just go back to that or CS surf maps instead if I ever get the first person platformer itch.

In Mafia 2, the open world barely existed to highlight the tedium of the day job that is the Mafia. In Mafia 3 it's the Open World Template™, and Mafia 3 really wants you do engage heavily with it.

For some people that is good time, for me it's a replant that made me drop what is otherwise, an interesting game.