What you need to master it:
☒ Collectibles
☒ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

What you need to master it:
☒ Collectibles
☒ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Secret achievements
☒ Complete the main story

This game is awesome. The OST of this game is so good, it make me search the songs on spotify, I can't get tired of play it. The game/level design is worthy of Dark Souls, although this is a Soulslite game, in my opinion. Regarding the graphics, it's beautiful.

If you want to get the platinum:
- Play your first run only with the umbrella, the game isn't hard, it'll take some more time, but it's worth.
- Make achievements of bosses ('Meal for a King' and 'Hot Pot') in your first run, if you miss them, then you'll need make another run.

What you need to master it:
☒ Collectibles
☒ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Secret achievements
☒ Complete the main story

¡What a game! I loved it, the graphics, the ost, THE GAMEPLAY. I actually recommend buy the DLC, it has incredible bosses

I think it's entertaining, I liked so much the atmosphere and cartoon design

I know the background about this game, it's a really great remake, but I can't finish it, as a individual game is so boring for me. I'll try it again in the future

What you need to master it:
☒ Collectibles
☒ Ability
☒ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

It's a good game, to chill out

What you need to master it:
☐ Collectibles
☒ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

It's a good game, honk


What you need to master it:
☐ Collectibles
☐ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

I loved this game and its final and atmosphere, I didn't give it 5 stars because it is poorly optimized. It doesn't need so much ability.

What you need to master it:
☒ Collectibles
☐ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

I liked it, the plot twist and the history is so good. Without a guide it's to difficult to master it.

Achievements and guides:

- 'The Full Truth': This guide is the only one that worked for me
- 'That's The Ticket!'

What you need to master it:
☐ Collectibles
☐ Ability
☐ Play online
☒ Complete the main story

I loved the mechanics to make the potions in the map with the ingredients, but it is repetitive.


- You don't need to do the potions exaclty how the recipe says, while it has the same effects that's all right.
- If you haggle you'll obtain lower quantity of Popularity Points. Use this options always with the merchants in the most difficult option that you have.
- Buy all the ingredients with the normal price or on sale from merchants, always buy rocks.
- There are exquisite clients that will ask for potions with specifics things, I recommend sell them potions when they want an extra effect in the potions, use the options 'continue brewing from here' and add the closest effect, usually they'll be happy. If they ask for something so specific end the dialog and sell to the next client.
- If you didn't get the plants in your garden don't worry, they will be there on the next day. Collect them is important in the earlygame, at some point of the game you won't need them.