This game is...kinda good, but also...kinda not?

Like, presentation wise, the game is honestly pretty good, colorfull, with very creative track theme and music, but the lisibility of it is really mediocre, especially when the screen shake (shoutout to snow Land), to the point that they needed to implement arrow that show up before turn...IF YOU NEED TO USE ARROW TO GUIDE THE PLAYER, IT MEANS THAT THERE IS A A PROBLEM SOMEWHERE (shoutout to bubsy 3d)

As for the gameplay, in one hand, the trach design is legit really good, with creative layout and especially shorcut for a flat mario kart, (unlike the track from super mario kart, who are conveniently enough in this game as well, showing us the clear difference of quality between the two game design), but the control are really messy and slippery: like, thé drift is really slippery, and even going straight is kinda messy, making it really sloppy to play

So...yeah, to keep it short: its a fusion between the worst of super mario kart, and the best of Mario kart 64, making it the most mid game in the franchise

But hey, at least, this game have the best version of sunset wild and sky garden lmao

This game is hard as hell....but damn everything about it is satysfying: the control, the gameplay, the weapon and enemy variety, the very ambitious level design...its also really beautiful, full of detail with a kick ass soundtrack...and the ending is just a beautiful middle finger to the player

I cant give it more than 3.5 star tho because sometimes, it can be very unfair and the game is very short, but you are defenetly going to have a blast with it

The folder was empty, is the game stupid?

Ok, before i piss off everyone, i will just start with the positive:

The presentation is great: not only it look incredible for snes standard, but the music is also catchy as Fuck

Megaman control flawlessly and is a joy to play, with a great selection of movement and weapon

And i love the intro level: probably one of the best intro stage of all time, and the eagle stage is superb

Now that being said, the rest of this game is shit: i mean, the level design is a litteral jock: sure, some item are cleverly hidden, but the rest of the level design feel super flat and way too easy...all the regular stage last 5 minute, period. And it clash so hard with how bullshit some of the robot master are to fight...when you dont have their weakness, they became a jock after that

The final stage is ok, but the final boss is so easely breakable, especially if you have energy tank

And i dont get AT ALL why people love the story so much: its so, so basic, and the only ok thing there is zero...BUT HIS SACRIFICE IS WORTHLESS NOW, BECAUSE, HELLO SEQUEL

this game had everything, but it just forgot how to make good level design, and thats kinda sad

I have a question for you, do you think that video games is art? Personnaly, i always thought that way, and i think that the game that can proove this the best is celeste: celeste, is in my opinion the best video game ever made, with his wonderful story, about depression and acceptation, absolutly ne wonderfully tell on this simple but addictive quest of climbing a mountain. The gameplay is also toth and precise and yet fair and satisfaying, and can be put in practrice with a perfect level design : every level are a blast and every element here feels cohesive and perfectly feat. The score is one of the best of all the video games that i ever play : its upbit, atmospheric, but sometimes gave us a feeling of anxiety and danger, echoing the feeling of all the lovable character present...yes, im not scared of saying this, but celeste is my favorite games of all times


In my first review, i havent gave justice to this ovni of a video game, and i will try to do a better job of reviewing it

This game isnt really a game...but more like a visual and music spectacle, in which you control a program infiltrating a virus before killing his core...i know, it sound super simple, and thats because the gameplay is simple: its a railshooter where you hace two kind of weapon: your traditional laser, that will receive upgrade once you hit enough blue orb, and will need you to lock manually on a enemy to hit him, and a overdrive, that Can be activited only if you hit the red orb, and that will lock and shoot at all enemy automaticelly.

Yeah, the game, despite having rly great boss fight doesnt shine with the gameplay...but with the aesthetic ! You are just navigating in this virtual World, super simple and yet full of detail, and its just...mesmerising. couple with the very atmospheric and incredible music, it immerge you to this world like no other game

Because, despite being more a visual spectacle than a game, it wouldnt be the same if it was just a shortfilm, because the interactivity just add in the immersion and sense of wonder (also i love the fact that the lock on sound effect is a percussion one...its just so good for the atmosphere

Idk men, my review is a mess because...i dont have word to describe this...experience

I already really liked this game before...but now? Its just phenomenal

Btw, i kinda lie for the simple story....i will let you play area 5