banger visuals with banger game play with banger soundtrack.
I hate golgotha tho fuck golgotha and its stupid ass chain chomps

this game is impossible and im so bad at it but also its incredible and i love it. maybe ill like it even more if i ever manage to get past world 4

overwatch 1 was better. wish i had less memories for blizzard games judging how they have never made a good decision ever i think

im not a fan of stinger flynn, but i have never been

because i
am jumbo josh

my favorite game in my favorite genre. I have put hundreds of hours into it and i still have like 8 characters left to finish

wonderful idea with cool gameplay that could never find the market it needed, rest in piece :pensive:

was just kind of a vague memory from playing it on flash sites until i replayed it recently and wow, this is a really fun strategy game! also its just really satisfying watching the creep get pushed back thats truly the secret to success.

one of the easiest ways to have a lot of fun with friends while doing the stupidest stuff possible. also the cultural impact is crazy how are we getting sfm memes that are as big as they are in 2023 still thats wild

so many games trying to be like it and almost none have even came close, gold standard roguelike

great game with a lot of memories from. generally not a vanilla enjoyer these days, find it pretty boring, but the fact that mods are as diverse as they are is a testament of how good of a sandbox it is