A classic that I never grow tired of. An absolutely stellar cast, the Groove system provides a nice amount of varied accessibility, and presentation that has aided with making it timeless. I cannot recommend this any higher.

My personal favourite entry in the Guilty Gear series. I really enjoy the roster and systems of this entry. There's a real nice balance across the cast, and of course I greatly appreciate the OST options (especially as a Robo-Ky main). Please give it a try if you can.

My personal favourite of the Street Fighter II-likes, I never get tired of this game. It's easy to learn, has a ton of visual charm, and the animations still look excellent today. Buttons are snappy and feel great to hit, and I can't wait to show this off more to friends.

It may be a bit simple and straight to the point but as far as classic SNK fighters go, there's very few that reach the levels of fun that The Last Blade 2 hits. A roster that runs the gammet of straightforward fighters to crazy weirdos, visuals that have aged pretty well, and a great system that feels good to use (at least if you stick to Power, I'm docking a point off for how obtuse Speed is). Please give it a shot!!

Unfortunately a game that just could not hold my attention. What it has in charming audio and aesthetics, it lacks in substancial gameplay and gripping storytelling. I had a lot of hopes for this but couldn't get past the 2 hour mark. Sadly this one is being left unfinished.

There's a reason this is considered the favourite of Inti Creates' Mega Man contributions. Fun moment to moment gameplay and a well executed storyline that bookends the main story (with Zero 4 acting more as an epilogue), this remains my most favourite Mega Man game to date.

As far as KOF goes I still consider this the peak. Incredible roster, great use of the tagging system, and just overall the most fun I've had playing the series. Sure it's not one of the historical favourites but it really has a ton of it's own unique charm that I enjoy.

Do not get me wrong: this is arguably my most favourite game of all time. But I have to acknowledge the game's drawbacks here, and because of that, I have to knock it back a star. This game is, however, one of the most compelling and heartwrenching stories in gaming, and is something that truly means a lot to me.

I really appreciate my time with this game, I've made some truly meaningful connections while playing it, but I simply don't think I can continue with it. Don't get me wrong, it's great, but these live servicey things just aren't for me.


I can't really put it into words but this is always going to be a contender for my most favourite game of all time. That being said, it does have glaring faults that shouldn't be ignored, so I am docking points. Still, Papa Nier for life.

As far as I'm concerned, this is the full package. It does everything right. That's all I can really say.

Helped me through a difficult time in a way I never thought a game could. It's just wonderful from start to finish, and I can't recommend it more.

I will never tire of this game. The soundtrack, the 2.5D aesthetics, and just how fun and simple the gameplay is. Truly timeless.

An unfortunately disappointing follow-up to one of my all time favourites. Setting the record straight, the game is more satisfying without this DLC.

Kind of touchy but I'd go so far as to say this is a better game than the actual crowdfunded product. It's the classic structure with gorgeous spritework and banging music.