its lowkey a good game but the people who play it suck doo doo. its gotten kinda fun to view them as insects that arent worth my time and makes playing more tolerable with them.

the game itself is genuinely really fun with often a fairly balanced meta that obviously favours things but shifts often and anything can be viable for most players.

takes too long to learn tho

basically a game/animation engine now

great game for beginners and fun as hell to play
kickass music and sick characters
definitely a great fighter

yo hop on risk of rain
aight bet
yo that lemurian looks kinda big dont he?
(player) has died. Maybe next time..

ive played this game a lot and its just not for me to be honest. i was swooned once by the "oh its 2d minecraft" and i hate that because its nothing like minecraft, its a boss fighting 2d rpg. you do mine and you do craft but its not minecraft. also i suck ass and the game doesnt do a good job of telling you how to progress.

if you need to consult a wiki for years of knowledge to enjoy or play it then i think the design is lacking.

i get that a lot of people like it and ive had my fun but its not a game id ever play on my own, if youre willing to learn and like fighting bosses with magical swords and guns that rain stars or meteors then its cool.
but its not for me, the building is fun tho.

pretty fun zombie survival and chill with friends

its fun i just wish i learnt how to play it more

wright and edgeworth making out in the sauna hot sweaty smelly and naked

very fun and well worth for the price. for a simple game it has a lot to it and the visuals are quite nice. so fun with friends!

candy crush but good
fun then and fun now

preferred the original idk maybe I grew out of it? idk the art style isn't for me this time round and the girls of the original are more my style (silly anime girl archetypes... like the MEGABITCH!!!).

The madman did it again, and made it different but also better in my eyes. Can't wait for the full release!!