Fixed up the faults of the original, mainly the gameplay sucking ass and being unfun/unfair while also glowing it up to the modern Atlus style following Persona 5.
Took a game with the best story in the series and polished up almost everything that made it bad to the standard of their biggest hit. Safe to say it's a damn good remake.

Some might not like the soundtrack if they're particularly fond of the original, though I think it's a step up a lot of the time and really shows lotus' growth since then. Even if you don't like the new versions, the original songs like Color Your Night and It's Going Down Now along with the opening theme are all incredible and you'd be hard pressed to find one you didn't like.

It's a lil shorter than P5 but that's a given because this game is shorter and has less stuff overall, but the new character interactions and activities do add quite a bit to enjoy. Also!!! Fully voiced social links! This should be Atlus' standard going forward as it really helps with making them feel important and well fleshed out rather than hearing repetitive generic lines over and over.

While I do think some of original P3's concepts were cool, like the fatigue system where party members would leave after exerting too much, it was very unfun and poorly implemented (they would leave if you finished a battle at like less than 50% of their hp). The party members were also not completely controllable and lead to some members often casting completely useless skills and moves if not properly guided with a vague system. It was a great decision to scrap these for a better overall experience making Tartarus less of a chore to progress through.

Characters of course as you might expect with a persona game are very charming - or at least most. This game has a more grim theme and some of the social links reflect that, with many being just straight up bad dudes or messed up people. They do slowly grow for the most part, however keep it low key, though that's not to say they all are like this. The main cast especially are quite charming and have a lot of depth to them and how they act that you can pick up on. Definitely a lot better than P5's main cast in my personal opinion but I feel if you play any game after 5 you realise that's not a particularly high bar.

TLDR: persona 3 but good and like persona 5 but its not persona 5 its persona 3 and persona 3 has a lotta cool stuff you wouldnt get from persona 5 but now it has the good parts of persona 5 so its even better :3

My favourite of the persona trilogy, featuring the best main cast of characters that all have strong chemistry with one-another in a way that makes you truly feel apart of a silly goofy high school friend group.

The dungeons can be a bit boring if you're coming from persona 5 since this game's definitely showing it's age a bit. The start can also take a small moment to get running while it establishes the main elements of the game however once you get over that you got yourself a classic persona experience with great music and fun people to hang out with along with stellar turn based combat that Atlus is known for.

The art and visual style are captivating as you'd expect from a persona game - same can be said about the characters and music of course, however the models and some gameplay elements do have their faults as this game's quite old now. Even so, the overall package is still great if you can invest yourself in it, one of the few things that has ever brought a tear to my eye in my life.

I'll never forget the feeling I felt when the story was over and I had to watch myself part ways with all these characters I learnt about, interacted with and loved so dear. I genuinely had to hold back from wallowing, despite the clearly happy ending I reached.

The day this gets remade like P3R with fancy graphics is the day this becomes the best in the series for me.
Also don't start with this game, I truly recommend easing yourself in with Persona 3 Reload or Persona 5 Royal first but if you want to start here then feel free.

The perfect way to start this series.
Cool characters, fantastic style, a myriad of content combining slice of life visual novel dating sim daily life stuff with a dungeon crawling puzzle combat turn based rpg.

The music and style make the combat fun to play even if turn based isn't your cup of tea, however they also have systems in place that make it more fun than others to play. Trust me, it's fun even if you think they aren't normally.

fun silly indie horror with friends.
its more funny than scary but its also fun to get scared and scream around your friends and cause chaos.

the gameplay loop is repetitive but fun with no current end goal other than having a fun time. its really hard solo and offers a different kind of experience, however for most its best done with friends whether you want to go for a high score or just mess around / get scared.

also the modding is huge with tons of stuff that add new maps, enemies, sounds, outfits, items and quality of life. bigger lobby size mods are essential!!

Got to be one of the gaming experiences of all time.
Incredibly polished gameplay, stellar level designs, cutesy pixel art and sprites all wrapped up in a masterful soundtrack by Lena Raine.

A simple story told with a lot of heart.
Forever one of my favourites.
Thank you Celeste.


i didnt like it when it came out and didnt like it today. only found any semblance of fun by playing with a stack of friends but thats only cus i liked playing with my friends not because i liked the game. everything about the game rubs me the wrong way, it feels boring and soulless and trolling around was the only way i got fun out of it.

its just not for me man.

Pretty damn awesome what was accomplished here.
DND but a video game with some cool characters and multiplayer.
So much content and replayability with being to play however you want and all.

prolly my favourite cod
best zombies and really good multiplayer
also pc workshop support!!

holy shit nostalgia
i love this game its so fun even if it can be unbalanced at times
zombies is awesome because these maps are all horrid in the best way. you dont realise how fun it is to play on a map like tranzit till its gone!!

dorothy haze please kick me in the balls

incredible that this came out so many years ago. imagine your typical meme-y metal gear experience but with raiden as this badass hack n slashing cyborg cutting metal gears like butter.
cutscenes are of course KINO and the gameplay is fresh with the cool slashing mechanics and various moves you can unlock.

The pinnacle of the Tower Defence genre and best monkey game in the monkey bloon popping franchise.
fun solo, fun with friends. just sit back and relax while your pc fries as thousands of bloons get popped.

i dont like souls-likes but this one didnt feel clunk and was quite fun to play

Toby Fox is the modern day Mozart.