a respectable gacha in my eyes
not a high bar but hey it makes it better than most by a longshot

used to play this on my uncles ps3 when i was like 10, it was pretty fun


i suck and its not really for me that much but its pretty incredible as a game

its a great platform in terms of potential but i hate how it preys upon both children who play and the creators (some still children also) who make the content for it. most of the games pushed by them are slop riddled with robux microtransactions and unfair dopamine dripfeed game structures to keep kids and others alike addicted to the platform and spending money, often times even gambling in the form of loot boxes.

there are genuinely good games that give you a lot for free and some of the ones ive played would include stuff like Doors, Become Fumo, or one of the many other passion projects like Fnaf Co-op where the gameplay is incredibly polished and looks really pretty.
Shame the good ones are buried under the pile of predatory slop.

was too young to actually give a proper opinion but it seemed aight

dont u love it when u go tartarus and farm weak dudes so you can actually fight without fear against new stronger enemies but u end a battle with less than 50% hp and everyone leaves tartarus without u and also u couldnt control their actions at all so they would use random ass shit that screws you over. bahaaha me too bro.

its still good cause persona but like its heavily held back for me by the gameplay sucking ass. if you use cheats or something similar like my friends have then im sure its still a great experience.

online is fun with the boys but its gotten progressively worse especially if youre broke. heists are cool and stuff and im sure story is good but i never got into it

hella fun rhythm game with unique combat to the beat and a cool story with fun characters

stockholm syndrome got me and then i started actually reading story during lostbelts and its fuckin KINOOOO holy shit the story is awesome
lostbelt 6 is peak fiction brooo

very cute 3d version of celeste, a great piece of fanservice for fans of the original

makin shit was fun back in the day

i dont like furries or feet why was i gifted this

i dont think im an mmo person ig
social stuffs fun but i didnt really enjoy the gameplay all that much and wanted to skip story so by the time it got interesting i had no drive to continue

its csgo but with heros and abilities n stuff. not bad just not for me