Probably the first 3D platformer I ever played, and for a rushed movie tie in made in less than a year they did a fantastic job with this game. It's more linear and challenging than BFBB was which in my opinion makes it more replayable. The platforming and combat are simple but engaging and by the end of the game It'll really start testing your skills more than any other SpongeBob game out there.
The worst thing about this game is the padding, doing the same driving and slide missions multiple times can get really repetitive and the slide levels especially can go on for way too long which makes fucking up a time trial frustrating, especially as a kid. Nowadays I can beat this whole thing in one sitting so it's not an especially big deal for me now but on a first playthrough, yeah that shit kinda sucks and the collectathon aspect of this game is really just there to pad it out.
The FMV cutscenes also suck but to be honest if I really wanted more plot detail I'd just watch the movie. The main appeal of this game is getting to explore all the areas from the movie and this game really does bring all these spots to life. In some cases like the Goofy Goober's or the Thug Tug they expand these small buildings into their own massive worlds with a ton of different environments, makes no sense at all but it's really creative and fun to play through. Most other licensed games would have just had these levels be a bunch of samey hallways and rooms but Heavy Iron really went all out in stretching these themes to their absolute limits.
The soundtrack also goes SO hard. Damn near every track is a banger and they set the mood for their stages perfectly. My favorite is the Thug Tug theme which is this Bad to the Bone sounding ass rock song but halfway through they throw a ukulele into the mix just to remind you it's a SpongeBob song and that just takes it to the next level.
In the end despite this games faults the clear passion oozing from every aspect of this game make it an absolute classic. They made the best platformer they possibly could within the constraints and deadlines of a movie tie in game, and I'm so glad I got to grow up with it.

One of the most creative games ever made. Rolling up everything in your path and eventually towering over obstacles that gave you trouble a minute before is always so satysfying, the art style is immensely charming and the music is absolutely god-teir. An absolute must play.

Fine enough at first, but the more you play the more repetitive it gets. There aren't that many levels here so to compensate they make you replay them with different gimmicks like getting red coins or beating it under a time limit. About as lazy as padding can get. Not the most boring game I've ever played but nothing worth going out of your way for either.

A good selection of Namco games, all emulated excellently and looking sharp as hell on a PSP screen. What more could you ask for?
Main gripe is that the Arrangement games arent all that fun aside from Pac-Man, but ah well. It's just a side dish anyways. I just wish they did more volumes of this.

How the fuck is this a namco game

This game might not have aged the best but god do I still love it to death

Panorama Cotton but slow and mind-numbing

A PS1 hidden gem. This kart racer pushes the system to its limit with it's great visuals and high sense of speed. The DnB soundtrack is catchy as hell and the game just oozes with charm and attention to detail. The controls are a slippery and take some getting used to, but the games early tracks are easy enough to help you get accustomed to them.
But there lies the game's biggest issue: once you do master the controls the games early tracks become way too easy. Unlike most other kart racers the game doesnt have difficulty options for each cup. The cups themselves have a set difficulty. The first cup is Easy, second cup is Medium, and the last cup is Hard. Not even selecring Single Race or creating your own custom GP lets you adjust the CPU difficulty. Having different difficulty options for each cup would have given the game much more longevity, but regardless I'd still highly recommend checking this game out.

Controls are smooth as butter, soundtrack is amazing and this game's enitire aesthetic is just gorgeous.
My only real problem with this game is how you unlock cars. In order to get them all you have to win each race in the grand prix in every possible position (1st, 2nd, 3rd) not only is this tedious but why make me do worse in a race in order to unlock a car? Later RR games handled this much better, but regardless, this game is an absolute classic and the best arcade racer on PS1 by far.

I havent actually played this game i just wanted to ask why his foots fucked up on the cover art here

An arcade classic for sure, but in my honest opinion its not as good as the original. The mazes aren't as well designed as the original, the bouncing fruit is more annoying to get, and the ghost ai has been randomized, making the game more luck based. Still great fun, and of course deserves props for creating the first female video game star (even if she is just Pac-Man with a bow)

The best remake I've ever played
The original Rayman is a decent game, it's got great music, a wonderful sense of creativity, and is pretty fun for the first few worlds.
But after a while it just goes to shit. The dificulty spikes are massive, Rayman's slow movement speed eventually becomes unbearable, and in order to beat the game you have to break every cage, many of which are way too cryptic. To top it off, if you run out of continues you have to start the game all over again.
Rayman Redemption takes everything great about the original and makes it a million times better. Rayman has all of his moves from the start, including his run, making his slow walk a non-issue. The game is much more balanced now, due to Rayman's added mobility and other QOL features such as having an option for infinite lives, no knockback when getring hit, no turn animation when crawling, etc. The game also has shops that give you skins, power ups, and most importantly, new radars that point you to where those pesky cages/presents are.
All of this doesn't make the game too easy though, in fact at times it can get even more challenging than the original. The big difference here is that Redemption is much more fair and overall more fun to play than the original.
There's pretty much no reason to even go back to the original now. Rayman 1 is my least favorite Rayman game, but this remake is my #1. And the best part? The game is a free fan creation! Ubisoft doesn't get a cent from this! Go play it now!

So simple yet so much fun 41 years later. Truly a work of art.