I don't like gta online very much.

That's beside the point. GTA5'S story was balanced fairly well between the three protagonists, having them balance their own stories while interacting with a grander plot. For the time the game was a massive step up from anything that had come out, and has a genuine case to be the GOAT of Xbox 360/PS3 era releases.

Many of my gripes come from my dislike for most open worlds. While there is lots to do in Los Santos, I often found myself getting a bit overwhelmed with things to do, and ended up getting around to very little side content. Definitely an incredible game though, just not totally my thing. Do play it, if only to marvel at how good it really is for the era it originally released in despite its numerous rereleases.

woahoaoaoooooaoaoooaoooh The stooory of undertaleee

This used to be my shit when it launched. I didn't even play it I was saved by youtube playthroughs. When I played it though I thought it was alright. The combat demands a lot of active attention, and I liked the surprising challenge two specific genocide route fights pose. You know what ones.

Undertale shines when it gets to tell its story, then have a weird plane monster crash and burn in your next fight. Nowadays it doesn't deeply interest me, but Toby Fox did make a genuinely great game.

I fw this specific puzzle game.

Puzzle games aren't my thing normally but I got it for free and I enjoyed it. Glados is entertaining and I like the atmosphere of the testing facility. I really haven't got a lot to say. Decent game. That's it really.

Modern RPG perfection. Now why not 5 stars? Because I'm hating.

No but seriously, my main issue comes from Persona 5's stop-start pacing and shelving of certain characters outside of their arcs. Free Ann from ATLUS she deserves a lot better than what she got.

In any case, Persona 5 Royal is just more Persona 5. Which is absolutely not a bad thing, the expanded content in the third semester is some of the best storytelling the Persona series has to offer. Numerous gameplay improvements make the game more fun to play too: Changes to palaces, gun ammo economy changes, persona traits, baton pass being intrinsic, among others. If anything they make the game a little too easy, but I don't play Persona for a challenge anymore.

easily over 100 hours worth of content. Looking for a gateway jrpg? Royal's for you. Looking for a good character-driven narrative? Royal's for you. Royal's for everyone really, give it a shot.

I will defend this game with my life.

To preface, I picked this game up during version 1.6. I had no exposure to the game outside of the deserved bashing it got at launch, but I decided to give it a shot since I could get it for cheap. I do not regret it.

Night City, while marred with feeling empty, is a beautiful setting to look at and play in. During my first playthough, I refused to use fast travel since I found the world so appealing to drive in. I am typically not a big fan of large open worlds, but Cyberpunk does such a good job of making the world worth exploring.

I quite enjoyed the story, V is a very compelling protagonist, and there are a number of incredible supporting characters. The boss fights are pretty weak, but this is a testament to how much freedom you have in V's buildcrafting, where you can make practically anything you wish viable.

Cyberpunk succeeds most in its worldbuilding, Night City feels like it has real history, a real culture, and real inhabitants. Characters are memorable, even if you meet them for a short chain of side quests or even one gig. I quite enjoyed the ost too, absolutely fit the tone of the game.

Working on the 100% slowly but surely. If you are on Xbox Series, PS5 or have a suitable PC, PLEASE give this game a chance. If you're on old gen, don't bother yet. It still doesn't work well.

Tough as nails but incredibly fun.

Theres not a lot I can say about this game. Simple. Hard. Rewarding. One of the few games I have 100%ed (technically 106%, but you know what I mean). If you like challenging platformers, this game is a must-play. If you don't, it's safe to skip. Has some banging music loops too. I like the aesthetic of The Rapture and The End. Fuck The Kid warp zone. Fuck Flywrench doubters.

Save me Goro Majima. Save me.

After Zero, I would say this was a little worse, but most of my reasoning comes down to the story and thats a Yakuza 1 problem, not a Kiwami problem. What IS a Kiwami problem is Majima Everywhere:

I love Majima, I loved Majima Everywhere, until I got to about B rank. As soon as he began to have green health in the streets the tedium really crawled in. I finished the game with my rank at A. By the end of the game I was losing to him on purpose. Breaker Majima is so miserable to fight. Plus the encounter on the pier is an excuse to give him his bandages for the Shangri-La encounter, I'm told in the original they come from your fight with him at the batting cages.

Bosses in this game were either too easy or too tedious. Not helped by their ability to regenerate health which, at least in the final boss, you stood no chance of outdamaging. Outside of these moments, Kiwami's combat flourished, and I prefer it to Zero's in all honesty.

Kiwami's story had very strong moments, but suffered a tad. I did not care for Yumi. She wasn't even in 90% of the story. I also do not think the main antagonist got enough screentime, most of it was through flashbacks, which communicated his transformation well, but I would have liked more interactions with Kiryu.

Overall, still a very good game. I just happen to prefer Zero.

This is how you make dual protagonists work.

Both Kiryu and Majima's stories are paid equal attention, have incredible setup and emotional payoff, and fill a real big action movie-esque hole in my heart. An incredible introduction into a series I am growing to love.

Kamurocho and Sotenbori are both full of life and chock-full of things to do, you can quite literally never get bored. There's always something to keep your attention, even if it's just getting filthy rich.

One of the best soundtracks I've ever heard, period. 90% of the tracks are straight heat. Reign, Two Dragons, With Vengeance, Pledge of Demon. All I have to say.

This game goes on sale all the damn time. You can get it for like $5 and easily get over 70 hours of content out of it. Highway robbery. I wish I could give RGG Studios more money.

My first experience into mainline SMT was a great one, and I will be continuing.

While I feel the game's character writing was not the best, it did not stop me from having an incredible time with the game. Nocturne catches a lot of attention for being 'hard'. A more apt description would be 'punishing'. The press turn system is a real Feast or Famine deal for both ends of a battle, and really changed how I view turn-based combat.

The environments were always stunning, and they encourage you to talk to every soul or demon to piece together the story. I did the True Demon Ending, which without too many spoilers, explains the most about the world.

Would recommend if you're interested in mainline smt, especially as it is quite accessable, remaster or not. You will benefit from having a guide, though. Especially if you want to collect all Magatama like I did.

Peak fiction. I'll start with the changes specific to reload.

Link episodes were a welcome addition which fleshed out lots of characters, Theurgy was fun if not a tad overtuned, the new Tartarus outfits were cold. Tartarus looks and feels better than ever, miles better than FES or Portable.

Other than that, it's Persona 3 again. Incredible game. The ost continues to slap even post-Shoji Meguro's permanent employment by ATLUS. I like the game's art direction, the 3D cutscenes were some of the best in the series. The gameplay feels a lot like Persona 5 Royal's, for better and for worse. Overall, an incredible experience that everyone should try.