pretty cool for a game that forces you to learn

this game would be tight if it wasn't so hard

Can do a lot worse than this with strict ass parents

Much worse than the Genesis version

if becoming a dock worker and driving a forklift doesn't sound like a good time to you, move on and save this game for the real thrill-seekers

great idea but the overpowered bonus powers ruin the game

Best of the series. Absolutely slaps

the only modern day stinker this franchise has put out

Here's the deal people, most of you have not played this game or haven't spent enough time to understand it. Take my word for it, this is the greatest multiplayer game ever created. The weapons and abilities introduced in this game created combat that was dynamic. Each encounter had endless possibilities. The game didn't have enough maps and lost support too quickly but for those that played it at its prime, they'll never forget it.

A game by the boys for the boys. If you don't want to cruise the world with your best pals on border line homo-erotic quests and save the world at the same time, this game isn't for you.

99% of people that dislike this game are bigots, incels or (let's be honest) both. The other 1%'s favorite game is candy crush. Yikes