As a big survival horror and Resident Evil fan, I finally wanted to try the other big survival horror series. So I started with the first part. The story was quite interesting, even if I hardly understood anything... I think I'll have another look at that separately. I was a big fan of the town of Silent hill itself and the setting of the game. I really liked the fact that they used it like a hubworld. I'm definitely looking forward to the following games. You can tell the game is old, but it's still very nice to play!

Finally i finished the game i struggled with back in the days. I'm not the biggest Sonic fan but i got the Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube. I never got past Marble Zone Act 2. I played it with safestates after each act because this game is tbh far too difficult for me personally... The Soundtrack is fire and Scrap brain zone is a big piece of dogshit

Perfect. I love this game and franchise with such a passion.

Wann Remake Capcom hab mich gesoftlocked

Mothman my beloved. Why is the online mode so.. weird with the quest stystem

I've been playing this game actively since 2013, took a break around 2019 and started again at the beginning of 2022. I never really put money into the game and only play it on the side when I'm bored. Activity varies by event. It used to be really awesome the events were creative and had interaction and now it's just "give your certain 5 characters 4h tasks and be happy" events. Still a nice game

"geh weg. Geh weg, Hund"
- Ich bin dieses Jahr erst zur Pikmin Reihe gestoßen und hab mich schlussendlich doch auf den vierten Teil gefreut. An sich ein Super spiel und ich hatte auch viel spaß damit aber irgendwas hat mich im gegensatz zu 3 gestört. Ich schätze es war einfach Oatchi, er hat mir ein wenig diesen "Pikmin" Vibe genommen den ich in 3 hatte. Beim Spielen merkt man sehr das es auf Anfänger getrimmt ist, der schwierigkeitsgrad bleibt abseits von den Missionen auf einem niedrigen level und durch Oatchi wird das ganze noch unterstützt. Ausserdem bin ich kein fan von allem was nicht das Gameplay ist... Die charactere sind im gegensatz zu den bisherigen leider alle recht inhaltslos und sind mir sogesehen "egal", was ich sehr schade finde. Es gibt in dem Spiel auch keine literarische threat, normalerweise gab es immer etwas was die charaktere in der story bedroht hat, sei es etwas "harmloses" wie eine Insolvenz oder eine kritische Hungersnot. In diesem Teil chillen wir aber einfach mal auf dem Planeten ohne konsequenz... Das ist zwar nur mein persönliches nitpicking, für mich jedoch eine wichtige komponente.

Ich habs am anfang gehasst, dann hab ich ihm ne zweite chance gegegeben. es ist ganz ok ich mochts an sich

To be honest, I don't quite know what to think of the game. I had fun, but something bothers me about it. The atmosphere in the game is great. I still love the foggy city, just like in 1. The enemy design was also on point again. I was able to follow the main storyline and understood it, but everything that happened next to it just confused me. The technical gameplay wasn't absolutely strong either, but the puzzles were great. I was unsure whether to give it 3.5 or 4 stars, but for the atmosphere and the vibe the game gave off, it gets a 4 for now.