117 Reviews liked by YatekomoTrash

beloved game but forever cursed due to my history of losing things in its presence. hope they make a new one and let people be gay

I bought it twice and I sold it twice so probably mid

Not recommended
This is one of my favorite games...

Hall of Meat is my favorite alternative gamemode, ever


"Sorry kids, Violence McGenocide could not attend to the charity match, instead we only got Rafael Nadal today"

one trillion kids crying in the background

im such a cheesy sentimental dumbass i always feel all wobbly with this kind of games

Imaginad que la mulana fuera bueno, vale pues ahora imaginad que la mulana fuera la puta hostia

1st halo campaign ive finished

this has some great moments but it mostly is very repetitive and not so fun and the bosses are boring

i dont know whats the point of the map being an open world if the story is that straightforward, it really just felt like a bunch of levels but you waste time between them

the grappling hook is the best thing in this

Euro truck simulator Poland DLC

Me ha puesto tan triste que un juego con una dirección artística tan chula y con unos niveles que dicen tanto sea tan simplón y típico mecánicamente que no me apetece jugarlo más.

Legit the best wrestling game i've played in years.....which is kind of sad.

As messy as it is (i've had tables explode for no reason and guys floating all over the place among other glitches), the underlining mechanics are just solid enough to make it "fun janky" instead of "awful janky".

The career mode is a blast too. You can do everything from beating up dudes backstage to forming unions to fighting over creative control. It can go to some legit batshit places and I was always excited to see what next week brought.

Throw in an actually really good character creator and I can see myself playing this for a looooong time to come.

Now add ladder matches please