100 Reviews liked by YatekomoTrash

A soft and sharp showcase on the ups-and-downs and ebbs-and-flows of life conveyed through gorgeous digital art, beautiful analog instrumentation, and just enough interactivity to emotionally involve the player in its narrative beats. An excellent example of the strengths of minimalism in presentation and design.

pong but with supers and frame data and yes thats a good thing

one of the nicest games ive played

and as long as an actual short hike!

As someone who has played over 500 hours of this game, I implore anyone who has this game to spend as little time with it as possible. The more time you spend with it, the more monotonous and boring you realize the exploration becomes.

some ideas here can make a so called "masterpiece"

and i hope they will

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El final con musiquita como diciendo mira que recuerdos tan bonitos mira tus fotos de la polaroid y sale el cadaver de un niño

i don't need to simulate being lonely

Idea súper original pero un poco meh cómo se ha hecho.
Debería ser más lineal aún porque no hay mapa y el diseño de los niveles es muy similar entre ellos y te pierdes.
La idea de llevar al monstruo la han desarrollado como han podido pero es como si no estuviera acabado y pudieran hacer mucho más.
Aún así es bastante disfrutable pero un poco decepcionante

kind of difficult to recommend to just anyone, but at the same time it feels like one of those games everyone should play at least once, y'know?