While it's clearly a ps2 game given a fresh coat of paint and it comes along with all the inherent flaws that would entail, I don't think that matters too much

It feels a bit static in some ways, but the world is also so believable and fun to absorb that it's a bit of a moot point and becomes part of what's so loveable about playing it

Side activities are enjoyable but not the most engrossing, and while a good idea for integrating an extended tutorial of sorts and allowing for some truly kooky moments, Majima everywhere does get pretty damn annoying after a point

The narrative also admittedly has some really hokey moments that feel straight of a Japanese soap opera, but it's also got something that's increasingly rare nowadays; real heart and soul

I've been meaning to get into these games for a long time and this year I'm finally making it a mission of sorts to play through at least a sizeable chunk the series. Based on how much I kinda loved this one, I can't wait to get to the entries that are considered far superior

Cool vibes, I'll probably pick it back up at some point in the future but it wasn't really grabbing me too deeply at the moment

On a side note, I really appreciate the DNA of death stranding I felt in my short time with the game, what with all the trigger feathering and overall meditative energy, though that's about as deep as that comparison runs

Still far & away the undisputed king of the vague adventure indie, and alongside maybe a few other things like the fromsoft games and death stranding, the king of unspoken online co-op

Back when there was still discussion around whether games qualify as art or not, this was chief among the examples often given in the pro column, very much deservedly so

A special, special experience

Kinda can't believe I can finally say I've played and finished final fantasy 7

It took maybe an hour or two to get used to its age (though the qol inclusions in this port certainly helped with that), but once I did it really did sink its hooks pretty deep in me and became pretty hard to put down

The translation is supposedly a lot better in this version than the original release, but it's still pretty brutal in some places, i.e. the flagrance of "attack while its tail is up". I feel like that level of questionability somehow makes it all the more impressive how engrossing this story still is to this day though

Really glad I experienced this stone cold classic


Turned on

Played a few minutes

Realized it was just Dishonored 2 with less interesting, clunkier gameplay and a story I give even less of a shit about

Turned off

Maybe I'll get back to it eventually and I'm sure it's decent enough but I don't need any more of this right now

Cool game, fun to move through and handles pretty damn well for the most part, at least with m+k

Still couldn't give a shit less about the story, even though it definitely tries

I can't imagine I would've had nearly as much fun if I didn't play it as a near-genocidal vengeful slaughter simulator though

No civilian is safe

I'm not all that displeased that the answer isn't here since it's kinda overly grindy and doesn't really offer any more of a satisfactory conclusion than simply leaving it at the journey's end does

Atlus' decision making in releasing yet another version with its own pros and cons of a game that's long been plagued by a splintered identity is pretty questionable though I will admit

At least give us femc

Mostly I just wanna get to Nozomi and see if they did anything to fix his bitch ass

I don't even know how to review this

Played a little bit back near original release with a buddy, but it's long sat alongside games like far cry 5, fortnite or the division 2 that I've enjoyed with friends but just never really felt that drive to put all that much time into or finish solo

Over the past few days I tried to get back into it with a new character and the thought of maybe buying the legacy collection to actually get some good mileage out of it, but the onboarding experience is pretty awful and it really didn't interest me near enough to put any more time into it beyond a few hours

Plays nice though