"sonic had a rough transition into 3D" your mom had a rough transition on deez nuts

this game is honestly some of the hypest shit. "it hasnt aged well" shut the fuck up the game has sonic the hedgehog jumping out of a helicopter and snowboarding on the streets of sanfran. its so fucking cool

h-haha funny meat baby haha lol starts to violently sob

Dawg I didnt even play the Legends games and it still hurts

Yeah ok but what if the Queen said fuck? That would be pretty messed up. The only reason I think about this is because, well, heh, I'm a little insane.

nikita making game of the year at the very last second

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you ever get the final area of a game and realize without even finishing it yet you know its going to be a 10/10
yeah that's me with this game
It's simply so good. Combat is rewarding, and even against annoying ass bosses (like Nevans, for example) or enemies (The infernos and The Angels. THE ANGELS. GOD. FUCK THE ANGELS.) it balances out because it's simply just so damn satisfying to defeat them. I don't know if that's a good thing, but, man, I don't care. I think the best thing this game has is that it's pure fun. Dante's fun -- both with how he's written and portrayed; and to just play in general. The gameplay is fun. The game is just a good time.

Having only played the first one, this is such a step up in quality and atmosphere that it's almost shocking (and, there's also DMC2 but... lol). I love this game so much. It's simply so fucking good.

Also, something something, I want to fuck Vergil, something something.

Edit: Just finished it. I fucking love this game so much.

God Cloud is so cool I wish twinks were real

its amazing how this is miles better than re:com

First time ever playing a Resident Evil game from start to finish and oh my god. I get it. This is a spectacle of game design. Oh my god.

It's campy its cheesy its heart pumping its just the right amount of difficulty and it's just. So. So so good.

also leon is cute and ashley is my daughter

shouldve won game of the year to be honest

Genuinely just the best DMC game even if 3 is my personal favorite. Fucked up how Dante has the worst theme in the game tho

also i teared up when v's pigeon died :(