Fun little game. Nothing really blew my expectations.

Kinda janky but in a good way. Was interesting to see how the series started.

Was fun to get into the game's jankiness and go along for the ride.

knight and game crashing simulator

Thrilling murder mystery which fails its ending completely.

spend 90% of the game playing beatdown decks and also where the fuck do I go to progress the story.

first half good second half bad

gameplay is slow and deliberate which is not for everyone. underwhelming boss fights but some fun areas to explore.

you spend more time on the floor trying to stand up than actually playing the game

i have been scared enough to alt f4. drags on too long though

hardest stealth game ever made. pretty grindy to unlock new packs and still stuck in the GX-Synchro transition. fun but flawed.

beautiful but frustrating experience

perfectly stale game to play while watching youtube but why even play it at that point.

art is good tho