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0neStrokeMan earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

yussuf earned the Replay '14 badge

3 days ago

4 days ago

yussuf finished Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers
"Remember Us... Remember that we once lived."

Shadowbringers weaves of understanding the past and the here and now. The people who've been lost and the people who yet still remain. This part of the unending journey ultimately displays FF14 storytelling at it's apex. Finally shedding light on one of the mysterious backgrounds for the opposing group and giving humanity to characters that were one note.
14 does well with the clashing ideologies and beliefs of individuals well, but this takes the cake.

After so long, the Scions ultimately became something that the previous expansions haven't played with, a genuine team and family. They feel like a traditional RPG party with tension, flaws, and unbridled hope. Each character has their whole heart on display. Thancred, Urianger and Minfillia, character that I had no real opinion on are given so much that I've sat down and been more baffled how they've done it. Alisae and Alphinaud get even more to them that, who were my no.1/2 Scions until Thancred stole the show.

The expansion characters are by far the best in terms of expansion casts. Exarch, Ardbert and THE MAN THE MYTH THE LEGEND EMET-SELCH have moved mountains and I couldn't be happier. Emet-Selch especially, what a guy.

The dungeons, trials and instances were by far the best ones so far. Shout out Amaurot for interweaving storytelling with locale and dungeon design.

Shb also is the most stacked in terms of brilliant music and areas. The setting of the first gave way to incredible experimental areas with Il Mheg and the Crystarium is the best hub. Music is strong too, no need to talk about the obvious as this is the expansion with Shadowbringer, but tracks like Invincible, Insanity, Neath Dark Waters, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Knowledge Never Sleeps. #ThankYouSoken

As my first MMO, this did so much as a social and entertainment experience that It's won me over. I'm in it for the long run now.

4 days ago

karlsefni776 earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

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