24 Reviews liked by Zekrom123

oynamayın ankarada geçiyor

the only game in the series where we didn't fight to death also dracula is a single form, belmont fights against belmont and the game let us choose stage. First four stage is not that hard but 5'th stage is annoying.. and Soleil boss is awesome but dracula boss is one of the hardest in the franchise even tought it has a single form...

and game is not good xd
If you don't have a lore obsession i'd not recommend to playing it.
also ost's are boring


When you were here before
Couldn't look you in the eye
You're just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
I wish I was special
You're so fuckin' special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
I don't care if it hurts
I wanna have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When I'm not around
So fuckin' special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
She's running out the door (run)
She's running out
She run, run, run, run
Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
You're so fuckin' special
I wish I was special
But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
I don't belong here

this is the most cruel video game i've ever played :((

(Bioshock + Cod Black ops + bulletstorm)/3 = Singularity

- gameplay is so mediocre
- using powers are fun, but not comparable with bioshock
- there is not much variety of weapons and when you get a minigun, you don't have a reason to use other weapons.
- Story is boring and predictable IN MY OPINION.
- but story telling is not that bad for an fps game...
- where is the subtitles ???

I think Singularity is fun but so forgettable video game.

I fell in love with this game...

It's so fun when you play with your homies...

Ghost Recon Future Soldier is set in the year 2024 where the Ghost Recon squad needs to shoot people and invade numerous countries for some reason.

(i stole this description from a youtube video cuz it's the best way to describe the plot)...

shortly story is boring af

Optimization is awful, i played half of the game with frame drops...

I think the only fun part of the game is to take down the enemies by using tactics with the ghost recon team idk what their name is cuz story is shit af, from now on i call them "ghost recon team" cuz it sounds cool,
actually the reason I played this game was because the game looked cool, but you shouldn't play it, it's waste of time.

Gallant Thief mission is also fun cuz i feel splinter cell blacklist vibe in it.

This is one the most "sikko and intersting" game i've ever played.
Idk how many people remember Hyun's dojo animations or oxob stick man animations, it feels like controlling those animation characters and it'd be epic if the game was good :D
also every character has its own story and it has an deep lore maybe i'd starting to cover it...

also there is no option, no control tutorial even no exit button in the game, idk why i wrote this review.

edit: change my mind this game is interestingly epic .

Kurt kışı geçirir ama Rez'in, Stage 5 son boss'unu unutmaz.

Oyunun görselliği Epilepsi krizininizi tatmin edemeye fazlasıyla yetecektir, bide soundtrack ler çok ii


The idea is good, the execution is bad, eventhough I don't think it's the worst video game in the resident evil franchise or the gaming industry, it’s just bad (just like morbius). But It must be really traumatizing to spend 60 dollars on this game in 2012 (but let's be honest this game has one of the coolest trailer ever seen).


Story is about the delta team sent by the umbrella company to not leave any evidence of the racoon city events, although this game is not canon, we encounter some familiar faces (like hunk, nemesis, jill, leon etc.) as it takes place during the events of the 2nd and 3rd games…. I guess that’s the only thing that makes the scenario of this game interesting.
The game has an average of 6 hours of main scenario, 3 hours of side scenarios. honestly, even though I could finish the main scenario by pushing it, I abonded to the side scenario halfway due to the damn fps problem


In terms of gameplay, we got 6 different characters from umbrella's delta team that we can play with, all with different characteristics (personally, I mostly use Vector because it looks so cool), also each character has their own abilities (Vector is stealth expert, Yamata is medic, Hector explosives expert etc.) But all the characters doesn't add much in terms of gameplaywise, the only difference is that they all have different skins also we got some ass-saving abilities.(like stealth cloak etc.)


Bad level design, logic errors going through resident evil lore (kill 2 mr.x at the same time with smg, etc.), shitty hitting feeling and stupid artificial intelligence aside, what made this game unbearable for me was the optimization problems.

my final score is: it's the biggest piece of dog sh*t.

I thought it had the potential to be a good "resident evil" game for the franchise cuz it mixed horror and tps well, but due to some handicaps, it suffers the same fate as the first RE:Revelations game maybe even worse.

+ Cutscene quality is good
+ gameplay and core mechanics are improved version of re revelations,it was not perfect but okay
+characters are meh, i mean i don't have any character development expectation to the resident evil games but I liked Barry Burton in this game at least he was not soulless like standart re protoganists also his parts, gives me last of us vibes.

- In pc version, game doesn't work very well, it has plenty of fps issues strutting and freezing issues and this kind of technical issues ruins your experience
and it was annaying.
- Story was mediocre, if it were finished. (ok i found out later, i need to change my choice in the quick time event from chapter 3 and beat the final boss twice, it also means that playing the half of the game one more time, this is how you can get real ending and that's bullshit.)
- episodic storytelling doesn't fit to RE games.
-unlike stealth section rpg skill tree also doesn't fit it. (yeah we got also stealth sections but it is optional)
- Dlc's are garbage
- Raid mode is not good as the Mercenaries mode.

as a result, i appreciate Capcom tried new things to the franchise but i don't recomment to play both resident evil revelations games. they weren't add anything to the resident evil lore.

my final score is: it's the biggest piece of dog sh*t.

Honestly i played it cuz of jill's wetsuit
[and it was beautfiul (っ^◡^)っ, bu the game doesnt (っ ¬_¬)っ].

it's not an important game in story wise...(There was even no umbrella in the game although it goes after the events of code veronica.) (story also sucks but that’s the another topic)

I felt bioshock vibe where we play in the ship. but snow missions was so unnecessary
core mechannics of the gameplay is downgraded version of RE6.
final boss is also sucks.

In sum up, RE Revelations is neither a bad game and worth playing it imo. And It's so forgettable game for the franchise.