217 Reviews liked by ZettaBaron

hugely underrated game, better than most pokemon games i've played. the battle system is really unique and fun, and the game itself is really charming and just a great time

Really great game! The puzzles are quite fun and challenging, and the back story, simple but direct, enough to keep you engaged.

It's a game which never seems to age, no matter how many times I play it. Always love going back to play it every now and then.

Hits the sweet spot for what I want in an FPS. Slower paced with enemies behavior that you can learn. Shield system that rewards taking cover strategically. Nice in-game and over-arching progression systems. I only played with the starting character and it took me 60 hours (probably about 100 runs) to finally successfully complete a run-through and it was still fun to the end. I'll probably re-vist at some point with other characters.

I'm sure it's just because I prefer action adventure to flying games, but I liked this more than any other Starfox game. Still not great, but I enjoyed it.

its my backlogged and i get to overrate the games i enjoy

sees backloggd’s average score


This game is really fun, the combat system is neat, if a little drawn out at time, and the encounter rate is also pretty high. It's hard but it's medatbots and that's really cool and the story is medabots and that's really cool. Really cool game!

cool game but the monastery is boring after a while and replaying the whole game for the different routes is miserable

...Wait, people dislike this game? This feels like a predecessor to all the best platformers of the 2010s, even if it has a slew of its own issues.

Sure, it's thematically repetitive (a lot of the same graphics and music throughout). The bosses are dumb. I think the fact you need to get enough stars to unlock boss levels on Normal mode is unnecessary. But, like, the level design is just really good, and manages to pose a challenge without being TOO obnoxious till the end. Even then, there's not really too much shame in switching to Easy mode if Normal is giving you grief - you'll still get to see the ending and all.

It's quite the creative and fun indie effort. I'm peeved this never got a sequel. As fun as I'm sure the Destroy All Humans remake is, I do want Black Forest to return to this one day.

While they are not NEARLY perfect games, as they are very much flawed games thanks to all of the performance issues, what you have beneath all that are the best Pokémon games since Black & White. Great story, characters, INCREDIBLE music, and fun new Pokémon and mechanics.

I have been with the franchise since Red/Blue and this is the most fun I've had with the series probably even since Gold/Silver/Crystal.

My hope is that GameFreak either patches all the issues out, or take what they've done right and work to fix what they didn't in the next entry.

God, Advance Wars is the PERFECT handheld strategy series and I don't understand why Nintendo hasn't done one every single generation.

What Three Houses desperately wishes it was.

I took a long time before I reviewed this game because I wanted to get through all difficulties first and... that took a while. And it was a good while! The game is well paced, the characters all fun to play, and is generally a blast. Certainly the best FPS I've played in recent memory and what I wish Borderlands could be.

I don't think I want to play this game much anymore except maybe when a DLC drops, but I've gotten 90 hours out of it and those were 90 darn good hours.

Also being a cute bunny who does the flying sword was LITERALLY MY DREAM AS A CHILD.

everyone is mean to this game :( this game is a representation of my culture and it's very cool and I like it a lot, I get it's not perfect and the first hour is a legit slog to get thru but it's actually fun when you get past the slog