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2 days ago

ZettaZeptogram completed Kingdom Two Crowns
Really unique strategy game, I love how it manages to be both relaxing and challenging at the same time. Things can get pretty stale, but I feel like I was completely okay with stopping it once I played enough. I didn't feel like I owed the game any more time or felt any pressure to unlock things post-game. It just lets you play at your own pace.

2 days ago

5 days ago

10 days ago

10 days ago

16 days ago

ZettaZeptogram is now playing Transistor

28 days ago

ZettaZeptogram commented on ZettaZeptogram's review of Animal Well
The game is an absolutely top tier metroidvania, but I don't think it does too much new and unique. And that's fine!! But I feel like so many games get held up as groundbreaking instead of people just letting them be great within their own genre. Something doesn't need to be new and inventive to be good.

1 month ago

ZettaZeptogram commented on ZettaZeptogram's review of Animal Well
More that it's overrated in weird ways. It's an amazing game, but I feel like it's being praised for and compared to things (I seen Outer Wilds a lot?) that it doesn't do. And those expectations can harm the game, it did for me at the very start

1 month ago

ZettaZeptogram reviewed Animal Well
This is one of those rare games where I think it's amazing and everyone should play it, but I also think it's incredibly overrated.

It's not groundbreaking or changing the genre in anyway, despite what all the reviews and hype seems to suggest. It's just a really, really good metroidvania that understands the genre perfectly. Its full of secrets that are fun to explore, and it really felt like I would rarely go the "wrong way".

That said, the only thing stopping this from being 5 stars is the save points system. It feels really out of place in a game like this, with such a focus on puzzles. Either spawning in the room you died in, like Celeste, or just having way more save points would have made this game so much easier to play - especially towards the end

1 month ago

ZettaZeptogram finished Animal Well
This is one of those rare games where I think it's amazing and everyone should play it, but I also think it's incredibly overrated.

It's not groundbreaking or changing the genre in anyway, despite what all the reviews and hype seems to suggest. It's just a really, really good metroidvania that understands the genre perfectly. Its full of secrets that are fun to explore, and it really felt like I would rarely go the "wrong way".

That said, the only thing stopping this from being 5 stars is the save points system. It feels really out of place in a game like this, with such a focus on puzzles. Either spawning in the room you died in, like Celeste, or just having way more save points would have made this game so much easier to play - especially towards the end

1 month ago

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