Surprisingly good game. Campaign was really fun to co-op through and the story was really cool. What makes this game shine is it's accurate New York open world. The cover shooting is fun at first but gets a bit old towards the end of the campaign. Game has a really fun end game.

Destiny 2 does a lot to improve on the first game, but it also was missing a lot of QOL improvements that 4 years of updates in D1 added throughout it's lifetime. Still, this game is a blast to play. The raids in this one are fun, but D1 has it beat here. Just more of the same game and that's exactly what I wanted.

This game is something special. I'd never played anything like it and picked it up on a whim (was a throw in during a buy 2 get 1 free sale shortly after launch). I've never been so hooked on a game. Going through a raid was one of the single best experiences of my life, I didn't realize gaming could be this intense. Weapon variety was awesome as all exotics felt different. Just a fantastic game and so happy it came out during the time it did.

When I first got this game, I was expecting to love it. I kept playing waiting for it to get good and it just never did. Some of the areas are impressive but this game is an absolute snoozefest. Even the bosses weren't fun. One of the biggest let downs I've had in a long time.

Pre-installed on my PS5, I decided to give Astro's Playroom a chance. This one took me for surprise, as it's a fantastic game. The point of the game is to showcase the controller, but this game is so immersive. It's straight up a blast to play.

Not the worst Halo, but certainly not the best. Multiplayer is still fun but it got old of kind of quickly. Still, I had a lot of fun with friends playing competitive in this one.

Boring game. I can see why people like it but it's just too kiddie for me. It does look like a Pixar movie, but I just had no fun going through this one.

Everyone knows what Minecraft has to offer. I used to actually dislike this game until I decided to give it a real chance. So glad I did. Have had countless memories playing this with friends and still play it today. Minecraft offers players the chance to be as creative as possible and still gives somewhat of a challenge in survival mode.

Borderlands 3 is still a decent game, but it's by far the lowest point in the series. After slogging through the campaign, I didn't even want to play through endgame context. The story just sucked. The only saving grace this game had was the dope cell shaded graphics and awesome weapon variety. Hoping for more with BL4.

Playing this one when it first came out in 2011, I was MIND BLOWN. This was the game that really made me love video games. There is just nothing like slaying dragons, man. Skyrim is so deep and varied that every person has had a different experience playing it. Just one of the best games of all time and I'm so glad I picked this up when it first came out.

Not a Skater or anything but I believe Skate 3 is one of the best games of all time. Just a blast to get on with friends and do some crazy things that you wouldn't be able to do in real life. All the modes in this one are fun and the campaign is actually a blast to play through. I have had so many great times on this game. Eagerly awaiting the sequel.

One of the best games of all time. All the levels from every movie and every character you can think of. This game is comfort food for me and I will never stop replaying it every year. A faithful adaptation in LEGO form that hits at every level.

Probably the best Assassin's Creed game of the last generation. Really, really fun traversing Old England and playing as the twins. The last Assassin's Creed game where you can say you felt like a real Assassin. There's just nothing like Assassin's Creed when you're taking out hordes of enemies.

A really fun Assassin's Creed game where you actually feel like an Assassin. The setting of Paris is awesome! Where this game shines is the co-op heists, a really fun game mode with friends that makes this a memorable title.

Really fun game with a great setting. Being a tech genius in San Francisco just makes too much sense. Good protagonist, really fun and varied ways to complete missions, and just a fresh take on the open world genre. Using a drone and an RC car to complete missions is just straight up fun, and the weapons in this game are cool too. This one takes a page from the GTA playbook and it does it right.