Games I’ve been putting off but will play this year (2024)

Only backloggd/ owned games that have already released. All the new releases are in the anticipated list, so would be a bit repetitive to have them in this one as well. Not in a particular order just added by memory!

Probably 3 as well!
I don’t think it would be a good idea to push it with this series, I can see it being extremely enjoyable if spaced out but a repetitive drag if played in a marathon. We’ll see but I do want to make a decent dent into the series.



This one’s the only that’s kinda a maybe honestly. DMCV looks awesome but 3 and 4 don’t look that fun and id basically be forcing myself to play them just to get to 5.


Stuck between excited for the last snes fire emblem and dreading it from all the rumors of how difficult it is.



Not sure how many I plan on playing but my goal is at least 2 of them. The Wii copy I got for cheap is collecting dust, makes me ashamed everytime I look at it.




Ideally before the next ladybug release



Will be peak, no doubt no question


4 months ago

Your point about not wanting to blaze through Yakuza is very on point, as Yakuza 1-5 punish players who just power and rush through the games. It's best to let each digest for at least 2 weeks after you finish them. And for Yakuza 1 (if you are playing the PS2 version, I assume) I highly recommend you play the "Yakuza restored mod". It undubs the voices back to Japanese and fixes the script.

3 months ago

@ToasterNinja yeah I’m def gonna try to at least put a game or two inbetween. I plan on playing both ps2 and remakes since I heard the remakes are a somewhat different experience but I’ll do that after I catch up on the ps2 releases. Thanks for the rec tho toaster I’ll def do the undub, feel like yakuza is def the type of game that needs the Japanese VA’s

3 months ago

You're welcome. One other heads up I'll provide is that 1 and 2 were written by Hase Seishu who is a renowned crime author in Japan, so they are tonally much different compared to the rest of the series. 3 onwards the plots become more regular seinen fare which isn't a bad thing either.

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