115 Reviews liked by _Mister_

When Nagito Komaeda is not on screen, the other characters should be asking "Where's Nagito Komaeda?"

Your mileage out of this game will vary based on how much you like Nagito Komaeda.

I don't.

The creator of Danganronpa once said that the ending of Danganronpa V3 was to channel their frustrations at how the series went from being a murder mystery to a sensationalist honeypot akin to a reality TV show.

and that's why I despise DR2.

Less interesting characters, less interesting cases and an unneeded continuation of the Hope's Peak arc that feels like it was written on the philosophy of "If it fills a shitton of Wiki pages, that means it's good".

DR2 was nothing but fatiguing to finish to the point that it burned me out on wanting to try anything else in the franchise.

wtf isso é um jogo pensei que fosse pornô

The closest Danganronpa get to having an actually interesting overarching plot

I'm still waiting Himiko show's her magic

Anyone who says Danganronpa 2 is better than this can't be trusted

If you think V3 has a bad ending your mother does not love you

I am genuinely astonished at how far this franchise has come from the fun, but very flawed first entry in the series to eventually become this: Danganronpa V3. V3 absolutely knocks it out of the park when it comes to what I like about these games, and generally succeeds in every aspect across the board. This is a bit of a harder review to do, as I have so many things to say but don't know how to accentuate them, but I'll try.
This game looks amazing, plain and simple. The new art style I absolutely vibe with, and the sprite quality is very good as usual. The UI has such a unique look and appeal, and I think that you can now see Kaede's facial expressions during first person conversations in the corner is a nice touch. The school is fantastic as well, with the overgrowing grass motif feeling so fresh and original. AND MY GOD, THE SOUNDTRACK IS GOOD ONCE AGAIN, please give it a listen even if you don't play the game I beg of you.
Guys, this is the one for me. I love this cast so much, even if there's one stinker, even tho she isn't that bad. Kaede is one of my favorite characters and protagonists, and Shuichi just flat out IS my favorite character in this series period. Kaito feels like what Hagakure should've been and he absolutely triumphed at being a character I rooted for. The mage girl Himiko is also a favorite (my Trucy Wright bias could be speaking here tho), and I really enjoy Maki + how her role is integrated into the story. Like I said, Tenko is the only major miss here, I don't know who thought a misandrist character who gets no flack for her behavior was approved. Kokichi is basically this game's Nagito, albeit not as fascinating. Still tho, awesome cast, I would hug about half of them.
I still think Trigger Happy Havoc was the best Danganronpa game in terms of gameplay, but this one feels like a step up from Goodbye Despair. The bullet absorbing mechanic has been replaced with the Perjury system which is MUCH better, and I like it's thematic purpose. Debate Scrum is very easy but that ost do be banging tho, and Mass Panic Debates are solid as well. The only minigame that actually sucks this time is the car one, it's like Logic Dive but WAY longer and more boring. Hangman's Gambit is just ok in this one, definitely a step up from 2's but I think 1 did this minigame the best honestly.
CH1 Twist/Ending Rant (Semi-Spoiler Free, proceed with caution)
I am still in denial that a Danganronpa chapter 1 legit made me cry, especially when I KNEW it was coming from exposure to it online. The way it's executed is fantastic, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hands down one of my favorite trials in the series.
Alot of people hate this ending but I can get behind it. Ambiguous endings in general I've loved because I like seeing constructive discussion and interpretation of how other players feel about it. Personally with this ending. I do hope this is actually the last game (within this continuity at least, Spike pls), because this is such a fantastic way for the series to go out in my opinion.
I loved this game. It still falls under several issues that this series just- generally has, but I can't get myself to hate it, I got so sucked in and wanted to see what happened next. To those who have been reading my reviews on this series since my Trigger Happy Havoc one, thank you for joining me on this adventure. However, I'm glad that this was the last one because these games burn me out LMAO.
-End of Danganvelion-

im generally weary of the whole meta, self-aware, genre-riffing shtick these days but this is the absolute kindest, most gentle way someone could have the epiphany 'the series i have been working on is legitimately insane and has a target demographic of the most unwell people on the internet' and the MBTI/carrd.co/ao3/(insert niche subculture here) teens all interpreted it in bad faith. imagine going 'so no head?' to a work that fundamentally thinks well of you despite it all

i love gundham tanaka so much it's unreal, the greatest thing this series has ever produced easily. also komaeda is the most "literally me" character out there hahahahahaha. the story is a disaster lmao

A decent and interesting mystery with a neat premise and a broadly satisfying ending, but I'm kind've surprised by how... just OK it is?

Like, it's really nothing special in anyway beyond the basic premise (which ig tbf has become way more of a generic trope since 2010) and the crazy executions. It's nothing objectionable either, it is a perfectly fine game, but the way people talk about Dangan Ronpa and its fandom seems extremely disproportionate to just how... solidly average it is? Add to that a kind've slow start and - to be completely honest - ugly art style I'm bewildered by its popularity purely off the basis of this game (tho I'm sure the sequels are an important part of the puzzle here too)

This game is really good except for the parts where it fucking sucks

A sculpture made out of broken car parts with a tiny plaque that says "madness" that has no other description besides what you can look up online
