Albion Online é um MMORPG sandbox em que você escreve sua própria história, em vez de seguir um caminho pré-determinado. Explore um vasto mundo aberto que consiste de 5 ecossistemas únicos. Tudo o que você faz gera um impacto no mundo, já que em Albion, a economia é conduzida pelo jogador. Cada peça de equipamento é construída por jogadores a partir dos recursos obtidos por eles. O equipamento que você usa define quem você é. Ir de cavaleiro para feiticeiro é tão fácil quanto trocar a armadura e a arma, ou uma combinação das duas. Aventure-se no mundo aberto e enfrente os habitantes e as criaturas de Albion. Saia em expedições ou entre em masmorras para enfrentar inimigos ainda mais desafiadores. Enfrente outros jogadores em confrontos do mundo aberto, lute pelo controle de territórios ou cidades inteiras em batalhas táticas em grupo. Relaxe descansando em sua ilha pessoal, onde você pode construir uma casa, cultivar alimentos e criar animais. Junte-se à uma guilda, tudo fica mais divertido quando se trabalha em equipe. Entre hoje mesmo no mundo de Albion, e escreva sua própria história.

Stop fucking grabbing me you assholes

Roses are red, daisies are white. Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

A jankier Arkham City with a bigger but emptier open world and a narrative that amounts to taking story beats from Batman: The Animated Series but doing nothing that series hasn't already done better before. At least some of the boss fights are pretty interesting, but eh, you wouldn't be missing out on anything by skipping this one.

Rapaz uepa que isso meu filho calma oooooOOOOOooooOOO pare papapapare cavalo esse é meu patrão

Top 10 anime redemption arcs

Well, they might have gotten rid of the pointless reploids and made slight tweaks to the level design, but overall it's still Megaman X6 and most of this game's flaws are on a fundamental level. In order to make this into a good game, you'd have to redesign the stages from scratch and rewrite the story, only keeping the core ideas and the premise.

"We live in a society."
- Sweet Tooth

This game is kinda based and redpilled because the whole premise is that if you act like a stereotyped anime girl, you probably have some mental illness that needs to be treated ASAP. Then again, it also kind of relishes in the fact that the girls act like anime stereotypes, but it ain't all that bad despite some highly questionable plot developments (fuck Makina's route), good/bad endings that have little to do with the choices you're presented with, and romance elements that feel randomly forced in most routes besides Yumiko and maybe Amane.

The game manages to make these stereotyped characters likeable and entertaining enough to carry an otherwise very shaky narrative, a lot of people complain about the common route and I agree it drags a lot, but also some of the best character interactions are in it, and the flashbacks where you see the backstories of the girls from their POV are very well done, usually the highlight of their respective routes.

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited is the synthesis of a phlegmatic work of art that rises through the passage of time, and in its withering it finds the transcendence of its identity, its structure is frugal but its vision unscathed and a sine qua non of the hardship of its journey, despite being perennial, it shines bright in the end.

Peak Classicvania except for the Tower of Pisa level, fuck that one in particular

Worth playing with the El Donte mod.

Proof that the average gamer will miss the point of anything unless the explanation is handed to them on a silver platter.