It's certainly a video game that you can play

I can't believe Avengers Infinity War and Endgame ripped Koei off, how did they get away with this

Coolest looking scarf in video game history

I love Samurai Warriors 2, so naturally more Samurai Warriors 2 is right up my alley. Both Okehazama and Shikoku are fantastic stages, Katsuie, Toshiie and Kojiro are not only very fun to play as, but in Katsuie and Toshiie's case, they offer one of the best stories in the whole series. Gracia has an interesting story mode (though obviously they wouldn't come anywhere near the historical fact that she was a christian), but to be honest her moveset sucks ass, same thing goes to Motochika, while Yoshimoto is... Well... Yoshimoto, he's not allowed to be anything more than a buffoon who's obsessed with Kemari in pre-SW5 games, the only cool thing about his story mode is that you can unlock Okehazama to be played in the Imagawa side.

I mean, this added content is cool as it is, but also a bit underwhelming compared to something like Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends, which not only added a multitude of new battles, but there was also that really neat mode where you created your own character and experienced the Three Kingdoms Era story through his perspective as you could follow one of the different factions or switch allegiances if you wanted.

I wish SW2XL was more like that, there are many other interesting historical battles/events that got left out in SW2 and could be added here: The Siege of Kakegawa where Ieyasu defeated Yoshimoto's son and effectively took over what the Imagawa had left, the Takeda, Uesugi and Hojo campaigns in the east that were mostly ignored in the original game also deserve more love, Nobunaga's infamous massacre at Mt. Hiei, and even some other notable Sekigahara campaign battles like the sieges of Gifu, Fushimi and Otsu. But I digress, SW2XL is stil a decent addition to the original game anyway, so I can't complain too much.

É essa peça que você queria?

The Baldy McNosehair line would be fine, even a little charming to have the aliens coming up with a nickname for Dr. Jim Carrey and all, the problem is that they proceed to go "HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAO BALDY MCNOSEHAIR THIS IS THE FUNNY LINE GUYS HAHAHAHAHAHA BALDY MCNOSEHAIR LAUGH, LAUGH IMMEDIATELY" instead of just letting the joke speak for itself.

Still a better game than Unleashed though.

DW7 might have the better overall story mode and DW8 might have better mechanics, but to be honest I find myself going back to this one a lot more than any other DW game, it just hits differently.

Since I just got done playing the Silver demo, I might as well sum up all three campaigns since their stages are all finished and that's pretty much what matters the most. Story? Who the fuck cares? Sonic 06's story is garbage anyway, same thing goes for the boss fights, if anything they'd probably drag my rating for this down instead of helping it go up.

Sonic: Very good, there are the obvious improvements on the original game and all, but the stages also find a pretty neat middle ground between Adventure 1 and 2's approaches to level design, making it feel like a proper evolution of those games. 8/10

Shadow: Meh, I like the core gameplay and the implementation of the chaos powers, but the bland and repetitive "combat-oriented" level design from the original game is still here, so are the shitty vehicle sections. Not terrible, but painfully boring. 5/10

Silver: Holy shit they fixed him! Well, for the most part. He doesn't move at a snail's pace and the telekinesis doesn't have nearly the same collision problems found in the original, but there are still the occasional odd moments where objects hit enemies, but don't cause damage for some reason. The levels are generally good with a lot of solid platforming sections and some cool environment interactions and hidden power-ups to discover. Genuinely surprised that I actually enjoyed this, considering I remember it being the worst campaign in a game where all three campaigns were awful in their own way. 7/10

You must remember this, Cow Cow! I shall oppose you forever... and don't forGIT IT!

I swear every single time this game tried to go all "HUMAN BAD, NATURE GOOD" cracked me up, not because I disagree with environmentalism or anything, I just think they did this in an incredibly silly and heavy-handed way here. It's weird because Chrono Cross was released by the same company that made Final Fantasy VII, that game also had environmentalist themes except they were much better handled and more relevant to the plot compared to Chrono Cross' story being this convoluted mess that tries to be a lot of different things but doesn't excel at any of them in particular.

That being said, I do think there are some good isolated moments in the story, the battle system is fun and the sheer atmosphere evoked by the gorgeous art coupled with one of the most beautiful video game soundtracks of all time make this worth playing at the end of the day.

One of the funniest games I've ever played, would rate 5 stars if it was meant to be a comedy

I haven't finished this yet but it's already better than Unleashed

Tried playing this without a guide and found it to be a boring overly-cryptic slog. Tried playing this with a guide and it remained a boring slog except that I know what I'm supposed to do now. Sorry, but I no longer have the patience to keep playing stuff I'm not having any kind of fun with, which is a shame because I was digging the music, the story seemed interesting too.