Umm... It's better than X6 and X7, so there's that.

I could probably force myself to finish this if I wanted, but I don't have the patience anymore, despite this having the best combat in the series to date, the lengthy and frequent batmobile sections got annoying after a while and the story was starting to get really fucking stupid with this twist regarding the Joker's blood. Thanks, but I'll just stick to Arkham Asylum and City and call it a day.

I don't think the level design is quite as good as the rest of the stuff here, it has a bit too much automation for my tastes, but this is still a solid fan game.

It's hysterical how Sonic 06 apologists have a hard-on for making this game out to be the spawn of Satan when it's still not as bad as the one they defend, get a grip guys lmao

No I'm not gonna beat this game twice with an inferior weapon just to get a prettier ending, fuck off

I like Mario Galaxy and this is more Mario Galaxy, so sign me up. Granted, the first game is more striking for its uniqueness at the time, had a better atmosphere and a story that had a little bit more effort than "oh no princess peach was kidnapped by bowser go save her Mario" put into it. However, Mario Galaxy 2 improves on a handful of things gameplay and design-wise, like being more challenging overall and cooler power-ups, it also brings back Yoshi in a way that doesn't suck ass. Shout outs to Mario Sunshine, by the way.

Man, every single time I try to replay this game I always lose interest somewhere around disc 2

So I trade jumping for being able to lasso and kick people into all kinds of environmental shit? Alright, we have a deal.

Bit of a step down from Momodora 4, but it's a decent, albeit very basic metroidvania title. The parry move is pretty satisfying to pull off and there is a bit of variety with the incensories, but there's nothing mind-blowing as far as gameplay goes, the plot has some interesting themes being set during a witch hunt in the church's inquisition, but the narrative is painfully predictable and doesn't go much in-depth on that kind of stuff, though the unique art direction and the soundtrack give it some good atmosphere at least.

You know, it's been a long time since I got to actually replay Sonic Unleashed instead of just loading up my complete save file to play the daytime stages and some of the boss fights, or listening to the soundtrack on Youtube. I used to think this game was pretty decent and that the daytime stages were basically good enough to make up for the boring parts, but that's because I kept going back to them while the boring parts kept fading out from my memory, but experiencing a new save file brought back all those sealed memories to the forefront of my brain. It's not just the night stages, though they are boring ass pace-breakers where you basically stop playing your Sonic game so you can play some uninspired God of War knockoff, but it's also... Everything else.

Why do I need to keep going back to spagonia every time I'm done with a continent? Yeah, I know the in-universe reason, so that Professor Exposition there can tell me where to go next, but sometimes I even need to talk to him in order to unlock shit in the continents I already had unlocked before. Can't he just communicate with Sonic, Chip and Tails using a phone or something like that? Why do I have to collect these stupid medals just to progress? The night stages already take long enough to complete on their own, but you still have to go out of your way to search for every nook and cranny for medals, or else the game will just cock-block you from entering the next stage because you didn't collect enough of the damn things.

"Well, why don't you collect them in the day stages then?"

Have you seen how fast Sonic goes in those things? They obvously weren't meant for exploration, almost every time I collected a medal in these stages it was by pure accident, I was just blasting through and then oh, I collected a medal, arlight then. Plus, these levels don't have as many medals to collect as the night ones, so it's not really worth the effort, I was collecting from the hub worlds and the night stages instead. Let me tell you, I was not having a good time doing any of that, all this tedious process made me think was "Jesus fuck I'll have to do this just to get to the next day stage" instead of having any kind of fun. The hub worlds are charming and have a lot of personality, but the vast majority of the side quests you get to do in them are just glorified time attacks or enemy gauntlets in slightly modified parts of the regular stages.

Oh, and the story is mediocre at best, don't even get me started on that, seriously.

So, if most of my game time is spent doing tedious shit I don't care about while roughly 40% of the game is the part I have fun with, then why was it that I believed Sonic Unleashed was a good game to begin with? It's not, it never was, I just liked the daytime stages way too much and kept replaying them after I was done with this game for the first time, this whole process caused me to have a bit of a selective memory. Eh, I really should have just stuck with the Unleashed Project mod for Sonic Generations, it already gives me the parts of Unleashed I like without forcing me to play through the rest of the game. Yeah, I'll do that, so goodbye Sonic Unleahsed!

That remix of My Own Summer is fire, not gonna lie

Why does this have fully functional slope physics but not Frontiers

Anakin's death scream in this game is fucking hilarious, no idea why it didn't become a meme. Aside from that, the game itself is pretty repetitive, but the lightsaber combat is so fluid and satisfying that I didn't really mind that too much.

Improved on the first game in a handful of ways despite still being somewhat repetitive and trailing missions still being boring as hell, also the ending was so fucking shit it soured my opinion on the rest of the game. I mean, it wasn't an extremely positive opinion in the first place, but it made a 7/10 rating drop to a 6.