This game is kinda based and redpilled because the whole premise is that if you act like a stereotyped anime girl, you probably have some mental illness that needs to be treated ASAP. Then again, it also kind of relishes in the fact that the girls act like anime stereotypes, but it ain't all that bad despite some highly questionable plot developments (fuck Makina's route), good/bad endings that have little to do with the choices you're presented with, and romance elements that feel randomly forced in most routes besides Yumiko and maybe Amane.

The game manages to make these stereotyped characters likeable and entertaining enough to carry an otherwise very shaky narrative, a lot of people complain about the common route and I agree it drags a lot, but also some of the best character interactions are in it, and the flashbacks where you see the backstories of the girls from their POV are very well done, usually the highlight of their respective routes.

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited is the synthesis of a phlegmatic work of art that rises through the passage of time, and in its withering it finds the transcendence of its identity, its structure is frugal but its vision unscathed and a sine qua non of the hardship of its journey, despite being perennial, it shines bright in the end.

Peak Classicvania except for the Tower of Pisa level, fuck that one in particular

Worth playing with the El Donte mod.

Proof that the average gamer will miss the point of anything unless the explanation is handed to them on a silver platter.

The best X5 will ever get without some kind of redesign.

Definitely one of the video games ever created.

The first pleb filter created in gaming history, followed by Sonic 1 a couple of years later.

Note to self: Don't drink tap water at Jerry Garcia's.

Better than Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic Lost World and Megaman X6.

What does Megaman X6 have to do with this? Nothing, but fuck Megaman X6 anyway.

How the fuck did they get away with showing Tails' asshole in the intro scene?

Went in expecting to not like this one all that much since it doesn't have a particularly good reputation among the community, but it turned out to be a pretty solid Megaman title with some really good weapons and a revamp of MM7's bolt system, with those being treated as collectibles hidden in the stages instead of enemies dropping the shit out of them and you being able to just grind for them. I could go either way, to be honest, but some of the upgrades you can buy with the bolts are pretty cool, like the charged shot variants, the one that negates knockback when you get hit, though having to buy the option to exit stages you've already beaten is kinda shit. Speaking of things that are kinda shit, some of the stages in this game do kinda suck, but I feel they're definitely a minority, and I'm talking exclusively about the infamous JUMP JUMP SLIDE SLIDE sections in Frost Man's stage the mazes in Astro Man's stage and that fucking flying section in Wily's fortress that can go suck a big fat wiener. The other stages range from fun to honestly peak classic Megaman, though.

Overall, I liked it quite a bit, it's nowhere near my favorite games in the series, but it was a good time. Since my opinion is the only objectively correct one, that means MM8 is objectively good and you guys are just too mean.

"There's just one legitimately good stage"

No, there's just one legitimately bad stage, Scrap Brain Act 2, the other "bad" ones are just you whining because this platform game is being a platform game and doesn't let you just hold right and occasionally jump to win. It's fine, there are other Sonic games that don't require you to be actually good at video games in order to play them. How about trying Sonic Advance 2 or Rush instead? They seem to be more up your alley with their lack of substance in gameplay.

Alright, I'll admit Labyrinth Zone kinda sucks as well, but still, Sonic 1 is a perfectly fine game and I doubt anyone can actually make a convincing argument that it has overall poor level design aside from those stages I mentioned.