Pretty fun when the game is working properly, some of the best 3D Sonic stages in general are found here, on the other hand it's absolutely infuriating when I'm there kicking ass with all my characters at level 3, in a nearly flawless run... Only to get killed by some fucking bullshit like falling off the loop because the script broke, a spring/ramp not working the way it should or randomly careening off the platform into a bottomless pit.

If I had to pick any Sonic game to get a remake, it would be this one, at least Adventure 1 is still a solid game, but Heroes actually is a waste of great level designs, ideas and music.

This game just keeps alternating between a cool 8-bit Sonic game with lots of interesting ideas and a frustrating mess of a game that will get you with some bullshit enemy/spike placement at whatever oportunity it can. Just make sure you play the Master System version if you want to get any enjoyment out of this, like I did, avoid the Game Gear version with its obnoxious screen crunch like the fucking plague.

If you really want a cinematic Hong Kong action movie simulator for the PS2, then Rise to Honor might be worth checking out. I'd say the combat gets stale after a while despite its control scheme being fairly unique, but to be honest I don't think this game lasts long enough for that to become an issue. The melee combat and the boss fights remained my favorite things all the way to the end, shooting sections occur every now and then and they do a decent job at adding some variety to the gameplay, but the stealth sections can fuck right off.

You know they fucked up when navigating through the fucking menu of a game is a pain in the ass, holy fucking shit man. I mean, of course this is garbage, it's a kinect game, but even for that standard it still manages to be pretty awful.

The theme song is nice though.

A better sequel to the movie than the actual sequel tbh


Probably the most annoying narrator I've seen in a video game.

Fuck the last stage in particular

I'd rather play Sonic Omens

Spark had a rough transition to 3D

For fuck's sake Sega please don't abbreviate Completion Points

Mfs really gonna shit on this game for justifying its mediocre gameplay with a heavy-handed "violence bad" narrative and then proceed to talk about how Drakengard is peak fiction

I swear to God if I see another character having Full Power Energy Blast Volley I'm gonna become the Joker

Uhhh, it has the "King? Yeah, here's your crown" scene, which was pretty badass. Dante being more acrobatic is nice as well.

Yeah, I got nothing else.