One of the funniest games I've ever played, would rate 5 stars if it was meant to be a comedy

I haven't finished this yet but it's already better than Unleashed

Tried playing this without a guide and found it to be a boring overly-cryptic slog. Tried playing this with a guide and it remained a boring slog except that I know what I'm supposed to do now. Sorry, but I no longer have the patience to keep playing stuff I'm not having any kind of fun with, which is a shame because I was digging the music, the story seemed interesting too.

Not sure what's Ultimate about this, but whatever, at least it has pretty visuals

A major improvement over the previous Bubsy games

Game is called Remember Me
Most people forgot about it

The character portraits in this game's cutscenes are funny as fuck I don't even know why

Best soundtrack in the series

The biggest bait I ever took was buying this because people told me it was a better Budokai 3.

My experience with almost every KOF game is basically
>start the game
>"wow this is pretty fun"
>get to the final boss
>"fuck this shit"
>turn off the console

Imagine playing the game in a significantly less fun way where most of your tools and powers are rendered pointless just for a good ending that isn't even all that satisfying to achieve.

This post was made by the High Chaos gang.

E os terceiros tão descendo a ladeira
Levando tiro pela perna, pelas costas
E o comando traficando a noite inteira
Que coisa linda! Que coisa maravilhosa!

E os terceiros tão de brincadeira
E eles querem invadir o morrão
Mas eu do tiro na cabeça, na cintura
Também dou tiro na bunda dos terceiro vacilão
E os terceiro bando de filha da puta
Um bando de sangue-suga
São um bando de cuzão