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i know i'm giving it 4 stars but that's purely because of emotional attachment. i like the original more. i did not expect this game to be this bad because i had fond memories of it... but it is, and not in a way i can really formulate.

anyway, good parts: the music hits, i like the presentation and the cast is endearing. that's kind of it, though. if they gave me the writers' pen i could make this better than 5 (not very hard at all). i never got why people hated marie and didn't care about her but now i do: she adds nothing. the original was fine without her. adachi is very very good though congrats atlus! a hit after two million misses oh my fucking god.

also they added a moment where you can kiss teddie but if you try to do that he runs away like what the fuck?????? get OVER here you bitch.

i mean... they merged all three games... so this easily becomes the best game out of all of them. 1 had the best story, 2 had the best maps, and 3... well, it starts off strong and the ending's really strong. the middle... it could be better.


everyone who says this game sucks and is bad is WRONG. this game rocks. i wanted to give this a 4.9 specifically because i do not like lady ashbury but i guess it gets rounded up to 5.

youtube sonic forces sonic unleashed beginning cutscene sonic looking pained thumbnail. yeah.

i wish the sonic fandom would be quiet. and also this game was NOT GOOD...

this was so fun... like there were two sonics and both were fun^??

this would be the best game of all time if the one behind it was me and not david cage. food for thought

i downloaded a translation patch for the japanese version so i wouldnt hear bri'ish talk

my emulator died so i gave up. i will not run to the british voice actors

edelgard could do no wrong even if she tried

hiyoko saionji had the tea and you people are deaf for not realizing it

they ate this lil thing up very effortlessly

this new redesign is so ugly. anyway, this is soooo me when i have to pay for rain, dogs, shower woohoo, rats, cracks on my walls,

nice try trying to get me to waste a trillion hours with riddler puzzles. go away

i very much do NOT remember where this game stopped but it was fun