might be the best combat I’ve witnessed in a game

this was a good story, very PT vibes, running sequences were annoying tho

the score was so good, the levels/galaxies were rly creative, but fuck that spring power up

driving SUCKEDDD but this was cool, kinda liked how small the map was cuz then I got used to where things were

a good combo of the first two in the trilogy, the graphics and cinematography were fire, the gun play felt 2D and stale, story was good, but bruh jonah did almost nothing, puzzles were a lotta fun and challenging, good game

improved on the first, super fluid and fun

this was so creative and the movements made me laugh a lot, really hard controls though

the best harry potter game out right now, they got it right, forced endgame was kinda tedious though

for some reason the shooting felt worse than the first one, but the kinda open world aspect was cool, not as simple-straightforward mechanics as the first, but the story was good

really good adventure game, some of the movements were goofy and arcady but that made it more fun, derpa derpa derpa derpa...

this was actually so gas, probably the best open world star wars game out rn

short but sweet, wished it was a little bit longer tho

bruh this was ass. it sucked especially cause the court of owls is such a cool story and these characters are also so cool in other stories, big L