11 reviews liked by adaholland

When i was younger, less than 10, i remember playing deadspace 3, at least a little, i always wanted to actually get into deadspace ever since a decade after that experience when i suddenly remembered my time with the game. And with this rerelease i thought now was the perfect time!!!! I heard they changed quite a bit, with Isaac now having a voice and them having to mold the story around an actual speaking protagonist, and from what i can tell they mold the story pretty well (as someone whos never experienced it before)! The game is terrifying for the first 4 hours, up until youre so used to immobilizing these beings that it only feels like a nuisance, rather than a threat that you should be fearing at every corner. despite that scariness wearing down the game is still tons of fun with the enemies unique weakpoints and the sheer diversity of the necromorphs, as well as the horror themes with dead human biomass accumulating on a ship where theres no escape, where hope is futile, in an empty space and a planet with a dead colony, that itself is compelling enough to start playing this game, if not for the amazing steampunk-esque design of the engineer suit that just captures your eyes. As for the story, its great, but not anything to write home about, its about an engineer getting his chance to make amends with his beloved after a heated long distance discussion, this chance given to him by the ishimura requesting help, in the ship Isaac Clarke tries to find his love Nicole Brennan while fighting off many grotesqueries and trying to keep the ship afloat while a religious cult tries to further the process thats unfolding around you, thats all i'll really say, as giving much more might ruin the first time experience. All in all i really enjoyed the game!!!! Really uber spooky and really fun and i enjoyed everything about it ^_^

I have seen the beginning of this game's release. It is the same as its always been, and it has been almost a decade, this is just, not swell. Honestly I'm disappointed.

I never played the original so i cant compare and contrast the visual upgrade. All i can say is that this was a wonderful puzzle game with an awesome soundtrack that kicks in later on, a fantastic sense of humor mixed, and a fun mechanic that wasnt very ventured before. The visuals were nice ofc, as expected of this rerelease. All around a fun time, albeit short. Im glad they have extra maps here, i'll definitely be playing those and the second game as well!!!

Signalis is a fresh introduction to games like Silent Hill for me, i hear about such games from a friend but ive never tried one out, i heard she loved this more than Silent Hill 2 which piqued my interest, and im really really glad it did. This is a beautifully put together game, the music is amazing and the art is wonderful, i struggle to describe these things as anything other than beautiful. The world is fun to explore and navigate and the puzzles are engaging with the clues being not too obvious. The setting of S-23 Sierpinski is one of tragic happenstance that you experience little by little reading pages left behind, only going through the aftermath of it all with the occasional hopeless Replika survivor. The symbolism and memories and how it meshes so easily with the real world, it confuses you as you wonder how and why is this happening, you want to understand every piece of this story as the pieces given to you are so very intriguing. The later state of S-23 Sierpinski in which it becomes more invaded by a nebulous meat mass of sorts is ever more depressing as it makes you realize more and more that those here will not be saved, and this is a place that is a shadow of its former self and the people it held. The Eule enemies are nothing to worry about, a standard enemy of sorts, but the more specialized like Storch and Mynah etc are nothing to scoff at, if they were alone. However this game is great at overwhelming you in this place that screams at you that you do not belong, and so these enemies are thrown in with each other to create more panic in the player, and speaking personally, it worked really well!!! The Kolibri were so overwhelming to me when they were the only entity in the room, but combine that with two Storches and Eules and i couldnt think at all, it was just panic panic panic panic! Dont be fooled however, this is a love story more than it is a horror story, one that made me tear up, in how a select few are able to do. Delicate are the details laid out, little by little you piece together what happened and why Elster is here. A game with a truly beautiful romance between two women, something i always find so beautiful and captivating (likely because im also a lesbian), that you only partially see up until the end. To see that love being here, in threat of being lost in this world where nothing thats happening makes sense, is just so very tragic to me. Also to point out the experience i had, i had gotten to the Promise end. Something about love is so pure, it hurts when something so despairing drives a wedge between it. If theres anything id say to my friends about this game its to please play, for no matter what you like, i think this is extremely worth the experience.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder does what so little 2D Mario games try, to breathe innovation in the fun of Mario and the major points every sidescroller Mario game has. The Wonder Flower Changes the atmosphere entirely in a level and allows you to use an ability, whether its becoming an enemy, like a Goomba, Hoppycat, or those gooey blobs, or an attribute such as becoming lavaproof. These Wonderflower changes the way youre playing entirely and allows challenges some of which have never been tried before in Mario. My favorite of the Wonder Flower levels are the ones where you become a goo slime, you just look so cute and it allows you to traverse in a very fun way youre not used to in Mario. The overworld and the level road seem pretty standard, besides the Giant Bowser and the unifying hub world around him. The one time where bowser was just... there like that was in Bowser's Fury. The badges are very interesting, im not too huge of a fan of beeing able to use them in any level, but the challenge levels are great and i think maybe they should be limited to that. The Bowser fight was honestly so cute i couldnt stop smiling throughout it all, the phases in the fight were all fun and the way it turned out was just all fun and extremely enjoyable. Something i will critique is the online multiplayer system, it would be lovely to just simulate a classic multiplayer mario experience with the friends you either have met online or have moved away from, i still had a blast with my girlfriend in this game but it was nowhere near as enjoyable as a mario game should be with multiplayer. All in all this is easily my favorite 2D Mario game and it was a blast experiencing the ride with my love.

What a great game, with unique combat compared to anything else i have seen (ive never been introduced to the AC series until now). The amazing customization leads to a variety of builds that are all fun in their own right, and the detail put into what parts contribute to what and if the cost is worth the benefits is wonderful. The amazing decal variety, i can make almost anything i want on it and slap it on, works really well for when i wanted to cosplay as Eva Unit 00 lol, and i definitely plan on playing more if only for cosplay. The story and setting is beautiful, i loved Ayre and Walter, along with all the things they had went through, and Ayre is a nice support :> unlike what most games try to do... The only bad thing i'll say is that the ost is really really really lacking, but thats all! Definitely a strong contender for game of the year for me.

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Im a huge symbiote fan so believe me when i say that they nailed the symbiotes here! The story was nice and steady but was a bit too fast paced in some places. Kraven was great and honestly i was surprised to see that they had actually killed off some of Peter's Rogue Gallery. Miles' story was a bit meh, the beginning in when he saw Martin Li, i felt he couldve handled himself way better realistically. But it was nice to see Martin Li try to redeem himself, especially through causing the Anti Venom symbiote and giving a realistic boost to Peter that makes it more realistic to beat this Grendel wing having Venom. As for the symbiotes, It was a great touch to add their basal design, the swirl forehead being a major insignia of Knull, showing his influence in the hivemind. I can tell the people who handled the symbiotes had a real love with the source material, especially including the Grendel wings to Venom's abilities, another sign of it being Knull's influence. And the symbiote suits handpicked for miles and peter are just wonderful. Especially knullified Miles, they knew how to feed us symbiote fanatics lol. As for Venom as a character, its believable. Harry is an interesting host choice, but they did pretty well with it!! twisting his desire into one benefiting the symbiote hivemind is smart, and his design is beautiful, for the end when the psych out of harry's death occurred, i didnt feel much, maybe its just me but i hadnt grown that attached to harry before venomizing. All in all a great game with improved combat, abilities, trees, and collectables, however its a shame we cant play back podcasts, change time of day post-story, do new game +, and the general bugs (of which i experience two, one even soft locking me) downgrade this otherwise magnificent game from 5 stars to 4.5, until they fix these issues it will stay this rating.

I always come back to this game, easily my favorite Mario experience ever. To merge the vast 3d plane of open world Mario (In the style of Odyssey mostly) and Super Mario 3D World makes just such a memorable experience alone. But the added flavor of Cat Shines and the various trials and other ways of claiming them, the catification of all enemies, the looming sludgy threat on the horizon, all give this such a distinctive feeling as well. Combining that with the playstyle hybridization gives an alluring uniqueness to the package that is this game. As for the looming threat, such an out of left field offshoot of the typical bowser forms, and it plays well into its favor as its supposed to be the calamity that threatens Lake Lapcat. The arrival of Fury Bowser is met with an amazing track, the likes of which have never been heard before in a mario game, and it is this track that gives an even higher feeling of epicness, edgyness, and overall fury of the overtaken Fury Bowser. Discovering the islands of Lake Lapcat was amazing as each had an air of total uniqueness that had me doing everything in 1 island before i hopped to the next. As for the Giga Bell, I'm a kaiju fan so i can definitely enjoy a kaiju battle. The super sized Giga Cat Mario is very fun to control and gives an air of intense size with every action you take, Bowser's fight is very fun and always is nice to do, the attacks are fun to avoid and counter and overall its my favorite Bowser battle easily. As for the ending, Using Plessie to chase down a purified Bowser as he tries to deter you was very enjoyable, having to bop his ball of Giga Bells until you can use all three for yourself. With the end result, admittedly being a bit silly, still gave me a little chuckle. All in all i have 100 percented this game 5 times and i would do it 5 more. I dont think any Mario game will top it for a very long time.

This review comes from someone who has only experienced ending A, the combat is significantly improved on from Drakengard 1 with parries and the likes, switching characters is more interesting and ofc less of a trap card here, just another option besides Nowe. Controlling Legna seems more easy and fast but it makes you miss Angelus when youre in boss fights, youre just too fast sometimes. I say this, but i love Drakengard 1 combat way more, something about the clunkiness and the need to plan out your swings in advance cause the animations take so long just activates something in my brain. As for the story this has such a great and romantic end for Caim and Angelus that had me crying, Eris is a bit of a stick in the mud but thats ofc supposed to be the case, Urick is great, love everything about him, his drive, his style, his pact, all make for an interesting character that outshines the rest. Manah is great!!! Very changed from her last appearance, now being a heroine thats quite fun to play, however i dont like how obvious it was that she would get together with Nowe, such obvious things reallyyyy turn off the relationship for me :/ Legna is a funny old man caring for his little one and id say he did a fine good job of it!! However Nowe is quite annoying, its like he's hit his head and just repeats what everyone says in a questioning manner and its really frustrating. The end reveals alot about the mythos of Drakengard, the likes of which being "retconned" by Draakengard 3 and then later being explained as Drakengard 2 not being the sequel to ending A of Drakengard, but an altered version of it, which i guess can wave away problems of retconning but it only gives people more belief that Drakengard 2 isnt canon and that simply isnt true!!! All in all a good game but i prefer its predecessor tenfold :P

Drakengard 1 is a blast, the shocking themes, of which some have been censored in the english release, give this game a uniqueness no other jrpg had. The thought of a mass killing protagonist actually having something seriously wrong with him should have been toyed with a lot more like this. Caim and his raggedy team of horrible people plus a child and a priest really sets this game apart. That and its horrendous but extremely loveable gameplay and music. Each ending is a fun ride, from fighting a giant child to fighting giant babies to falling in love with your dragon companion to dooming the humanity of a normal earth in a different universe, many different flavors of WHAT? to go around. the story is decent, Caim and the Union fight the Red Eye infected Empire quickly leading to discovering that there are higher forces above that aid and direct the Empire, for the destruction of the world. I would ramble further but its been awhile since i plaayed so i dont want to let my memories cloud me. All in all a great game!! Easily my favorite PS2 game and though i havent played Drakengard 3 yet i have a hard time believing itll top Drakengard 1 for me, but we'll see.