I played this in an alternate timeline it was badass

"The time has come to test thy courage."

This games and it's sister Mario 64 changed video games forever, Zelda certainly changed me. I first played the game at 5 years old and I had no idea what was going on, but it gave me nightmares.

Years later I finally replayed and beat the game and I loved it.

When you've played tons of modern games already it's funny to see where so much of these traits can all kind of stem back to Ocarina.

Despite that, it's extremely refreshing to play again because it feels like such a fun take on lock on and sword combat that you forget it started it all.

It's a shame it's called overated by many, It's linearity being a big issue but I don't see it or even had an issue with it.

Such a beautiful adventure, and a perfect example of feeling the themes of the story in the gameplay as you progress.

This game was meant to be made as it is, and it's sequel more so.

"Vegas is more than a city, it's the remedy to mankind's ... derailment"

Hmmmmm, last time I played this (2019-2020?) I found a small outpost in the outskirts of New Vegas I never knew existed, this may have been my 10th time playing.

What I'm saying is, I don't think I can ever sit down and do a 100% walkthrough of this game and not feel like a fucking sucker, I want my next playthrough to find a town I never knew existed.

It's a perfect WRPG to me, a awesome world with lots to read into and explore, an amazing genius story, a RPG system for a variety of Role Plays and MODS that can take those a step further.

Shame it's shit ass engine brings it down, but I feel like it's not such a bad sacrifice to experience a game where a mailman decides the fate of a desert.

"Please, I need you to bring back her soul."

When it comes to "is games art?" I think Robert Ebert is right, not in that games CAN'T be art, it is and if it isn't it will be like it or not, but that people really don't need that "It's Art" stamp of approval. Games have their own merit and you definitely don't need to be snobby about whether it is or not.

That said Shadow of the Colossus and it's sister ICO can be great examples of the Game is Art meme. It doesn't have a lot to say but it does have a lot to experience, like a reverse MGS4 kind of.

But what is a game if not fun? Don't worry the fights are EPIC you are so limited in combat it really raises the tensity of these fights. Each fight is unique and each one has a great piece of music I wish we got those 48 total, but you know I kind of like the simplicity of just 16.

Great game, beautiful music, beautiful graphics even today.


"And now I'm better at doing whatever it is Wolverine does!"

I was already into comics growing up, so this game just a treasure cove of content for a fan like me to sink in too, It also got me discovering characters like Deadpool who I now consider a big MARVEL classic.

Okay now that nostalgia over I played the HD remaster a few months back, and the game was errr fine I liked it more as a kid and it definitely had more going for it then 2 which I played when it came out then againa few months back.

Still there's a lot to do with collectibles and character specific challengers to get cool costumes each character has 4 and 2 only gave you 1 and almost all sucked shit.

Overall a fun game but not one worth replaying, but hey I had a lot of memories!


"Kairi, remember what you said before? I'm always with you, too! I'll come back to you. I promise!"

Growing up I think I only ever saw the TV commercial 1 or 2 times, but that first time struck me like lightning next thing you know I'm playing the whole series and reading all the manga, listening to all the music, reading every theory and fan analysis good and bad.

I don't know-, I like risky insanity. I really hate Disney nowadays but boy do I love this series mostly 1 and 2.

When you learn and break down the combat and figure out what moves are best for what, try things, and get better the game keeps you on your toes even if you feel like a master and it's sequel more so (That is if you are playing on Hard-Crtitical)

That said this was the first of it's kind and it has a lot of annoying parts, for me it was mostly trying to gather the Ultimate Weapon, Final Mix really upped up the annoyance and it might've taken me a month to get it.

Worth the work I wanted 100%.

People love to rag on the games story, I think they are fools with very little understanding of complex narratives-

But that might be too harsh- I mean it is Kingdom Hearts and it is very stupid but its cool stupid. KH1 really tells it's story the most cohesive-ly (I still think CoM tells it's story the best in the series.)

Too many good memories with this I'm so glad its on PC where I can UNLOCK the FPS and JUST GO WILD

"Thanks, Mario! The castle is recovering its energy as you retrieve Power Stars"

Holy shit this is THE VIDEO GAME, fuck 2D sprites, fuck VR, this games just FUN. I don't know how Miyamoto figured how to perfect 3D video game movement but he did and we got this Golden Goose of genius design that even most modern games not dare try.

But maybe I'm being overdramatic, ya know when I first played this I did not know it existed before and well all of it was just new to me. And it's almost just fun nostalgic memories of discovering secrets and really good platforming.

I can't think of giving this masterpiece less then 5, it's so good it's flaws don't exist sorry pessimists.

Buy it right now on Nintendo 64

"Cute trick... but did you did really think we wouldn't see that coming?"

I'm not going to pretend MUA1 was a fantastic piece of gaming, but well at least it had some of that real 6th Generation heart in it, this has 2020 corporate meddling turned up except it was 2009!

but at least it had some neat choices cuz we all loved PENANCE!