People backed FOW expecting they would make an interactive high-end porn game. Instead we got a game that goes through an identity crisis with a shit story loaded with cringe dialogue. A visual novel, mashed up together with a shmup and bad turn-based combat. And at least if you are expecting the porn the be good, don't (If you don't like SFM porn gifs that is.)

Once you get how things work, you'll put endless hours into it. You'll probably come back again to beat it again and again. And remember, you can also try mods too.

If you've had your fill of Disney's ruined movie universe and are looking for something new, you've found it and this'll probably be the best Star Wars content you'll ever be consuming. It's up to you to choose light or dark in this epic Star Wars experience.

Want to commit war crimes but you are unable to do so irl? Now then, allow me to welcome you to this wonderful 4X strategy game, where you can enslave entire species and turn them into livestock! You name it we have it! Why not give it a try?

it's hard not to blink when you're crying you know?

good music, surprisingly a more mature story than recent entries, lame new generation pokemons especially new 4 legendaries, paradox pokemon(future/past pokemons) are a cool concept but done on boring pokemon, can't tell anything about performance since I played it on a emulator which had zero problems performance-wise.

"Why you gotta... make me... everyone's porter?!"

if you like afk grinding (or spending shit ton of money) for tiny bit of progress, this is the game for you.

a fun one or two hours with the boys before uninstalling it forever

was very good on alpha, is very bad on release

blasphemous blade my beloved

I can't learn this game because I am dumb, I'll go continue slaughtering minorities on Stellaris.

Nearly skipped everything until the Levels 41-50 MSQ and quit 2 times during that progress because both story and gameplay was really slow, came back and stayed till the end for exceptional writing between Patch 2.1 - A Realm Awoken and
Patch 2.55 - Before the Fall Part 2. After those quests this game immediately became one of my favorites and I set upon my journey to rush through MSQ to finish all of the DLCs to consume more of this brilliant game. It only gets better and better.

If you quit this game like me but really want to get into it, give it a few more chances until Patch 2.55 or Heavensward.

post-heavensward and the whole OST for this DLC might be one of the best things I've ever consumed.