when a game has fast clicky menus it makes me smile so big with all my teeth

they rly do just not make em like this anymore

you rly gotta buy in to the premise, but its p fun

dude. its rough. its ugly, the characters all play the same, the forced cpu player 2 makes it difficult to progress, and i reached the end of a level and nothing happened. this sucks man

i mean it made a genre. thats prime 8/10 material

Look this is a great upgrade on a 30 year rotting formula, but god quit making bosses whose gimmicks are just taking control away from the player. How are there more than 1 of them

its a fun and neat concept but damn it gets boring quick

its fun to glide and everyone talks like i would write them

its just overwatch again, but worse slightly

i love being a glob and a ball and other stuff

i cant stop. how do u even score this

one of the sickest plots in gaming, for sure in pokemon. the dungeon crawler gameplay is fun, accessible, and oftentimes difficult. the characters and arcs are simple but effective. pinnacle of the genre

one of the sickest plots in gaming, for sure in pokemon. the dungeon crawler gameplay is fun, accessible, and oftentimes difficult. the characters and arcs are simple but effective. pinnacle of the genre

one of the sickest plots in gaming, for sure in pokemon. the dungeon crawler gameplay is fun, accessible, and oftentimes difficult. the characters and arcs are simple but effective. pinnacle of the genre