Me when I am five years old and cannot yet grasp the existential consequences of being trapped in a time loop because a scientist wants to get an all access pass to theme parks

Remember kids, if you mess up the jump but no one saw, you can say that you got killed by a bracken or a giant on your way back.

The patch I'm playing is almost complete in Japanese so I do NOT know the story

Son, I need you to look at my poopoo stain on my man diaper after I shoot you.

Very charming, sad that Nintendo shuts down online play this year in April.

This is like a computer virus but it is only that the shitty whistling song slowly haunts your brain into a fog.

Really good. If you like the kind of charm Undertale has plus rhythm games, this is the game for you. I think the gameplay is super innovative and I genuinely cannot recommend this game enough because of how charming and interesting it is.

Eeyikes ! I am trans ! And on an adventure! I hope I don't find out that I kin!

Remembering this game for when I played it on my switch after my pediatrician yelled at me for saying I have autism.

10 out of 10; let's me be Doraemon if I'm delusional enough to pretend it's Doraemon.

I kept making feddy fazbarf noises when I saw the bracken because it was dark and his eyes reminded me of Michael in Sister Location or whatever.

Why did this clown, who acts exactly like jerma, vore me...?

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(explaining this to someone who thinks dubious consent is hot) so the reason why it is abusive is that the main character withholds important information from his wife that would have made her not choose to spend her life with him and also this entire game is in his mind. This game additionally has the feature of constantly abusing his wife as well as giving her no ability to consent or understand what is happening in the relationship..... IT'S NOT HOT PLEASE STOP SAYING ITS HOT