besides removing bloodhound step, where do we even go from here

a game that vastly fluctuates in enjoyment depending on how jaded you are over video game comedy


for what it is, tunic deserves more hype. it perfectly massages that part of the brain that wishes to be decades in the past, staying up without any company aside from a game manual

i was never huge into roguelikes until this game. really my only pain points with this game are the multiplayer and music (for some reason not liking the ost is controversial)

the most fun i've ever had with a toxic workplace environment

lose your veteran progress simulator. at least the battle pass works

+half a star because winston is in the game

adderall replacement ingested through all six of your senses

in a hellscape of post-ironic doomposting, this game is the brutal necessity that one needs to open their eyes to the consequences of unrestricted internet access. it’s a medicine that tastes of corrupted human desires, yet it clears the mind and washes other bitter things that may linger in your system.

needy streamer overload is a perfect condensation of the horrors of the internet

People who claim that CP2077 is another No Man's Sky are lying to your face. It's instead a cute little power trip with a boring perk/skill system, forgettable story, and spotty performance. The aesthetic at its worst is painful to look at, and at its best oversaturated. Not even the modding scene is anything to write home about, though there are some sparks of creativity here and there.

Cohesive and satisfying platformer that knows exactly what it is. Level design is well-crafted, scratching that itch that makes me want to just do it faster. If I bought into its biases towards online transgenders like me then it'd be 4.5.


this game just caught me at a good time

everything at play somehow weaves back into the story in some psychological way, and the cast of characters are engaging and memorable if you'd just let them into your heart.

yet another “surprisingly good for a gacha!” the story isn’t exactly standout but it’s definitely not terrible, there’s actual gameplay, and it definitely has more than one writer on the team. rates are relatively generous and the game gives you a bunch of free stuff. progression feels simple but satisfying, however it’s mostly afk. music is actually standout (feryquitous is on this??) with a genre diverse ost and memorable tracks

still a gacha tho

accessible and endlessly stylish. characters are likeable and number girl is on the soundtrack

gold standard of the genre. a palatable amount of content (not too much and not too little), synergistic and smooth, and with cute pixel art girls. easy to pick up and play with a distinct but unbalanced cast of characters, weapons alike, along with bountiful upgrade trees that make gameplay feel constantly satisfying. anything worse than this is mid, anything better is standout