7 reviews liked by asahi_32

Fun game with a surprising amount of care put into it that reminded me of my days spent playing handheld yugioh games. The story is pretty standard for a cardgame series, but sometimes that's really all you need to get that specific childish charm and I appreciate their efforts to make an extensive story mode with a world you can run around in and do sidequests and stuff. I also really love shadowverse character designs and the character quests have their fair share of nice moments. A few characters like Kagura and Rei are bizarrely irrelevant for most of the story though which ends up feeling rather odd.

The gameplay is really fun with a wide variety of decks to build and fight against, though when the difficulty ramps up in the lategame it can get rather frustrating. Winning and losing based on the luck of the draw is naturally going to happen in any cardgame, but it becomes a lot more exhausting when it blocks your progress and you just have to keep ramming your head against the same cards over and over rather than just moving on to a different opponent. It also would've been nice if the cards were split up over more packs since cramming hundreds of cards into just 3 packs means you'll be pulling a looooot of dupes and it makes building specific decks kind of annoying.


black knight greatsword, you are my savior

this is truly the minecraft of sex

Voltei ao jogo e sinceramente... fiquei surpreso, o Gacha se tornou justo, todos os personagens de 3* são ou podem vir a ser uteis, a história surpreende pelo menos dentro do que se espera desse tipo de obra, a arte é bacana e a comunidade é MUITO GOSTOSINHA de interagir.

Por mais q há coisas q me incomodam, como o farm por gears e alguns chars de collab q são muito fortes (eu sei q eles voltam e isso é bom pelo menos), junto de alguns personagens mais sexualizados q jogo hentai, ainda é bom, confia.

comprei, pedi reembolso e comprei um teclado mecânico, mt bom o teclado 👍👍👍