Old and short but good enough survival horror you can play in a few hours. Controls took a while to get used to. Think this game would have been more fun if it stuck to a 3rd person over-the-shoulder cam instead of switching between fixed and 3rd person camera.

If you're a fan of walking sims and sci-fi, you can give this a try. Pleasantly surprised when I gave it a go thru Epic freebies.

If you're looking for a free version of Vampire Survivors that has cute wholesome anime girls, this is your game.

Took me several retries but game finally clicked after I finished Fallout 3 first. Coming from that game, you'll slide right in as there are only slight changes/improvements to gameplay. Desert and cowboys setting isn't really my jam, but glad that there's more variety in the environment as you progress with main game and in the DLCs. There are also multiple endings in base game and DLCs that encourage multiple playthrough (or reload your save game if you're hurrying). Got the "bad" ending trying to please all factions. Will definitely play again someday to try the other faction endings and shoot for other achievements. My biggest complaints so far is that it crashed a lot - even in the middle of combat.

Coming from Oblivion, appreciated all the improvements like a great setting, better (or just plain more) voice acting, no more potato faces, good companion system, more satisfying combat and multiple DLCs. Helped me prep for New Vegas.

I hate dying a lot in this game, while being chased with scary music. I can't refund it anymore, so I cheated (made enemy damage close to zero) because I didn't want my money wasted. And the game was still fun despite that. Being chased still felt scary but less frustrating. It all felt like a haunted house ride. My complaints so far is that I hated being in the dark a lot (they could've made it dim and not total darkness), there is no map so got lost a few times, and it doesn't give you time to do some exploration. If you liked Amnesia: The Dark Descent then give this a try - it is another "can't fight back" horror game but set in modern times.

Continues the action-focused over the shoulder shooting that reminded me more of Dead Space 2 and 3 and less of the original RE's atmospheric horror and puzzles. The episode structure and summary sure feels like Alan Wake's. Overall game is fine and graphics are dated but still ok for me. Raid mode looks like fun. My biggest negative is the last boss battle in the campaign took me several tries to beat on Normal (very frustrating and had to look at youtube for tips). Got this game from a $1 Humble Bundle deal that included RE1 remake, RE Revelations 1 and 2. For that price I think I got my money's worth.

Game was like a walking sim in point-and-click form. It helps that I got drawn to the story, the puzzles were not that hard, and the music, graphics and game length are just right.

It's alright. Bought this cheap for less than $1. It has a story that kept me wanting to find out what happens next. Did not like the combat at first. Turned on direct aiming option, that made aiming easier. The way your character appears angled when moving forward felt off and took a while to get used to. It has its fun and funny moments, but the combat does get repetitive and wasn't my favorite part. I guess pick this up if you like a survival thriller game that has a good story in it and don't mind how old it is.

One of few Netflix android games I liked so far. Easy swipe controls if you are on a phone. Not too difficult and only took a few hours to finish, but you can grind more hours to complete all the secrets.

Really had fun with this game. Liked the fluid movement and easy controls. Wish there was a map though, and more levels.

Somehow I finished this back in the day. At the time I have not played JRPGs heavily and FF7 looked really blocky to me. So the more "realistic" characters in FF8 drew me in. Something about this game made me want to finish it despite having only a basic idea of how the systems worked. Was also very into anime then so that probably helped me wanting to see how the story ended.

Digged the perspective-changing gameplay. Setting reminded me a little of the Stanley Parable.

You can easily swap sprites in the DOS version by just renaming the filenames.

First game I played on our 286 PC. Played it on a paper white CGA monitor with PC speaker sounds. I crashed a lot (in the game, the game itself was alright)